Code of conduct

:zipper_mouth_face: No Naming or Accusing: While discussing behavior issues is fine, specifically naming or accusing individuals or groups is not allowed. Use the appropriate channels for reporting concerns.

This Paragraph Is why you deleted the topics from @SWProzee1 and me ? @Tiggs

WE Had No Bad wording or where Personal against anybody

But IT should be allowed to Tell the company or the Community Manager ( Not Personal meaning Just the function) what WE are thinking and If thats Not allowed then its Like a Regime where nobody IS allowed to say anything critic.

IS that what you want ?

I have a good friend WHO IS 30 years in the Game industry and doing all the time mmo’s so i have a good View on this. And He is very succesful doing His games and why ? Because He IS Always in contact with the Community also having Open discussions and thats great people Love that.


Everyone is allowed to post & provide constructive feedback. Some threads/posts have been removed due to violations.

Some asked for a response and a dev did respond. It wasn’t the response that most people want & that can be frustrating. Of course everyone wants updates, marketing, more players, etc. Apparently, they aren’t ready yet and have said it repeatedly. Demanding different answers doesn’t make new information manifest. For now, nothing has changed. Nothing added, nothing removed.


I’m even at the point where I had to flag one of the posts that came up. Some of the folks need to take a step back and calm down a bit before attacking others. Being hostile and demeaning doesn’t ever change something positively.