Color Groupings - Opinions Please! [Poll]

Good morning everyone! I’m just curious to know what the general opinion people have on color groupings. How do you like your colors sorted when it comes to shopping places that deals with colors?

Do y’all like them in order of their number? Example: 1 - Black, 2 - Night Azure, 3 - Shadow Cerulean
It’s pretty like this, easy to find colors that are similar in nature but annoying to navigate unless you know the number of the color you are looking for.

Items/blocks grouped by base color?
Example: Moss, Luminous Moss, Hot Moss, etc.
It’s easier to find the specific color you are looking for but you have less exposure to other color options unless you venture around.

We’re looking to move our paint shop, Paint by Number, to a better location and thinking of switching from number scale to color groupings.

  • Color Number System
  • Base Color Groupings

0 voters

ehm… i like that rainbow like color grouping…
think its your actual grouping system seems the best to me…
but i have absolute no idea which answer i have to choose, cause i dont understand excactly the difference between this 2 options and you actual system…

but one thing 4 feedback :
maybe you can mark the exo colors…
dont know if there already marked cause i fell in shopping spree xd

I voted for the Color system by default, because it’s pretty much the official way, but I think both ways are perfectly valid.

I would actually like to make myself some kind of wall where you could see horizontally the base colors, and vertically the various shades from darkest to brightest.

To be honest, the official system doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. I’ve never understood it’s logic (never tried to figure it’s logic either, always thought it was random). Has anybody searched for that?

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I personally like grouping by color, but it may be hard to sort. Some HSE people spent a whole day sorting them “by eye”

I think by number is good because people are used to it.

I say by group. PS4 players don’t have access to the color number in game. I used this to sort my block storage because if I know I want blue I can browse through all my blues, cobalt, slate, etc all within a few steps


That chart will be very helpful if we decide to go by base color groupings! Hope you don’t mind that I steal that. :blush:

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Go ahead, I stole it myself lol

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I prefer colour grouping, it make it easier to search in a shop
If I search a cobalt colour I can go to this group and dont need to search for any number


I prefer base colour grouping because I don’t wanna have to know the number. I can do all the searching in game with the help of 2 signs (base colour, then tint).

I was looking for lavender tints and realised they are spread quite thin, which isn’t good for comparing colours (as sometimes I know what base colour I want something, but not yet decided on the tint) :slight_smile:

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base colour grouping as well here because i suck at remembering colour numbers (plus it’s easier to not run around the shop looking for the colour you want if they are scattered out of order)

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The only problem I see with base color groupings is if someone comes in looking for 227 they will have a harder time ofc.

I wish they’d display the numbers in game for PS4.


Oh btw, this chart starts black at 0. In game black is 1. So if you use this sorting method and chart make sure you add 1 to every number on the chart

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do you know someone who is looking for a number but does not know what color belongs to the number?
me not, I only know people who not know the number


VERY good point, I didn’t think about that way. When I was looking for a specific color way back when I noticed many places doing the number system so I had to force myself to find out the number for that color to quickly find it in a shop like that. And not everyone is on the forums…Hmm… Noted. :blush:

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for anyone looking to setup a color based system - some quick numbers for planning


I was thinking of rebuilding my pigment shop and use both methods. Probably make a wall of painted signs where they would be organized by color groups, and have the shopstands organized by numbers, the way they are currently organized in my store

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Great idea! I’d love to see this - and perhaps copy your design if it turns out well :blush: @PrincessMaude

Thanks for this, just what I need :+1:

Yeah I want my Goo Labs project to store it like that as well, much easier for making sprays. It’s just sooo much work, I would love it if one day when we have a subset of the scripting stuff running on Live that we can make a sorting script, ahhhhhhhhhh

Also would love to just dump mats into some special designated storage boxes and that a scripts sorts and moves them to the correct spots. Live would be so much easier then! I would be soooo organised!