Storage Containers

add an option on/off toggle to the storage container window.
This toggle would restict super-stacking to matching matching color only.
So if items are shifted from inventory to the storage container, they could only form/add to a super-stack if the color of that item was already in a super-stack in the container.

Example - I have a stack of GOO with 5 different colors and I want to deposit them into my storage that is sorted by color. Super-stacking is efficient on space but horrible for management by variation especially on a large scale. The super stacking ends up “hiding” which stack items actually went into that may not be a match for your storage.

so if we hypothetically turned on this option for color matching - System would still move as much goo to the container as it could, allowing super-stacking within existing colors found/added but new colors would be given their own new slot and not hidden inside another existing super stack. This would make it easy to see/remove unwanted colors to their correct matching color storage location. (edited - clean up poor wording)


This is such a good idea ! This is the kind of quality of life improvement that could be implemented without too much time taken from other bigger updates. IMO, this is a pretty big QoL fix that would definitely improve my gameplay


I’ve gotta second everything @SWShredder said… This seems like an easy fix that would have a very big impact.

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Thirded. .

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Yes please

I suggested doing this as a spanner effect like auto door

A “sort by color number” would also be veeeeeery helpful haha


I would like to have this mode for every move command, between shop stands, storage blocks, machine input/output etc.

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