Color is falsely shown

I don’t know which category under I would need to post this or who to contact.

Both Boundlexx and Boundless Information Station share a wrong information that got me good. It ain’t first of April anymore :stuck_out_tongue:

It says home world Trung would have deep green waxy foliage but the true color is tan. The other foliages are also yellow and green. Not deep green.

How can I report this the proper way?

Help is much appreciated. :slight_smile: it’s weird, we are not talking about a sovereign that could change its colors and therefore not being updated. It’s a homeworld so it’s fascinating how this can be a thing :joy: anyways people, don’t fall for the joke :yum:

[Yes that’s me streaming in the small screen lol]


Good catch. Not sure why that would be getting/posting the wrong info through the API - maybe something needs to be rebooted/reset some where :woman_shrugging:

I wonder if it’s always been like that and it’s just the first time someone noticed, or if Boundlexx is having some sort of bug or corruption.

Maybe someone could run the scanner on it and see if it gets straightened out.

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I checked the previous output of my scanner and it says:
Which are Green, Yellow, Tan

Scanning Trung again gives still the same correct colors for my local output. So the scanner itself is fine. Either Boundlexx is having a problem or something is wrong with scanner upload.

After rescan now these colors are shown:
Lush Foliage Green (ID: 91)
Exotic Foliage Yellow (ID: 93)
Waxy Foliage Deep Green (ID: 36)

Waxy did not update so far.

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it reminds me, not long ago i was looking for red or other shade of red twisted and it show me few sovs and perma planet, im not sure now which one, where the twisted is not redish, seems there is more mistakes at boundlexx