Coloured water

No I feel stupid xD Yes, then it wouldn’t be a problem.

What happens in the real world if you place a qube of water next to a cube of oil?^^ I’d imagine oil would slowly form a layer on top of the water and the water would form a layer under the oil.
So that “problem” we’d have in Boundless, that they just don’t move shouldn’t be a huge problem in terms of immersion.
I mean you can’t simulate everything^^

i dont care about realistick mixing why not just do so thye mix it is a voxel game soo that would just be a incredible bonus feature. and for some fun liquid types i want like a swampy kinda of water it is realy hard to see under water of it kinda hard to move and it should give out some mist

  • Would you consider snow a (high viscosity) liquid?

Might be feasible to have the blocks mix color based on the colors of adjacent liquid blocks? I.e. the red waterfall would stop the instant it hits the regular water, but the regular water blocks near that point would be tinted based on their proximity to the red water blocks?

Unsure how to make that not tint the bottom of the red waterfall, though. Maybe some logic based on source blocks vs flowing blocks


Really muddy water would be a great addition to the crystal-clear water you see in every Voxel game.
Dense fog could also use the same flowing logic like the other fluids. You´d “just” have to remove swimming part from it.

EDIT: Quicksand would imo also make a really fun liquid.



Not sure how to say it. it seems that the world will be powered with oort shards. which are found in the world, which must mean that the world itself is considered magical. So a sort of biproduct, a liquid energy/magic source which makes small puddles around the worlds. it would add an interesting element in having people look for liquid rather than plain old blocks.


that idea is really awesome



Someone suggested this almost 4 years ago, but with the changes to Fluids and the ability to embed liquids into chiselled blocks this would be a good idea, It would be even better if you were able to mix gleam with water to give the associated colour so it would create a Lightsource like lava that could be embedded into chiselled blocks.

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A 4 year necro? Damn, I didn’t expect that at first, but then I saw the '15 tags on the posts and internally had to go “Oh”.


Metal liquids, like mercury!

Never expected this to get revived either