I would like to give a few suggestions about combat mechanics that can be present in Oort.
First of all, let me show you a game that contains all the combat mechanics im going to talk about; it’s a mmorpg called Dragon Nest. in this video i will show you a fight between a “Gladiator” (the male sword class)and a “Flurry” (female lancer class)
Hit States
In Dragon Nest, diffrent attacks can cause diffrent “hit states” on enemies, meaning - some skills will lift up the enemies, some will just stagger the enemy, some will knock him back… etc etc.
Some of the hit states present in dragon are Stagger, Flinch, Slip, Lift and Knockback. now, some of the hit states can be combined: Flinch followed by a Stagger, for example, causes enemies to fall down.
In the video,
you can see a “Lift” hit state at 00:14.
you can see an example of a Stagger hit state at 1:29~1:30
You can see a Flinch hit state at 00:20… notice how when the enemy fell down afterwards when he was being hit again under a flinch state.
Skills in Dragon Nest have values called “Superarmor” and “Superarmor Break”. Superarmor refers to how hard it is for the enemy to cancel your skill, and Superarmorbreak refers to how good the skill is at cancelling skills of the enemies. this mechanic allows you to counter the attacks of your enemies by breaking them.
For example, a skill with 400 superarmor break will break a skill with 400 superarmor, but not a skill with 600 superarmor.
those numbers can also stack - if there is a slow skill with 1200 superarmor, for example, you can break it by hitting with 2 skills that have 600 superarmor quickly enough.
In the video:
notice how that 00:18 the Gladiator(sword fighter) starts to attack, but his skill gets cancelled by the attack of the other player.
at 00:45, notice how to first few hits of the Gladiator dont cancel the skill of the other player, but with the addition of the final hit it does.
at 1:38, notice how the Gladiator being hit by the other player but his skill doesn’t get cancelled, because it has a very high superarmor
I-frames are skills that have a short period of time where the player is invincible. those are “dodging” skills, that are used to avoid the attacks of the enemy. in dragon nest, every class gets a basic dodging skill with an i-frame at the very start, and get additional skills with iframes later on the game, depending on their class.
In the video,
Notice at 1:34 how the attack of the Gladiator is being dodged
At 2:18, notice how the Gladiator avoids one of the hits by the Flurry(the female lancer), by using a skill called “evasion slash”, which is a skill with iframe… though he gets cought later, after the iframe is over
Cobmos and combo evasions
In Dragon Nest, it’s possible to combo other classes by keeping them being hit over and over again. most classes combo by lifting and re-lifting the enemy, since not all skills can hit enemies who are lying down on the floor. however, to prevent “infinite” combos, every class gets skills that allow them to evade from combos. All classes get an aerial evasion skill, some classes get an extra evasion skill from any hit state, and sometimes they get an extra “counter” skill to use after they are being hit. all classes also get a “wake up” attack, that they can use when they are lying on the floor for long enough. (it’s also possible to roll to the sides if you lay long enough)
In the video,
Notice how the Flurry(the female lancer) is using her aerial evasion at 00:15, after being lifted
At 00:28, you can see the Gladiator using an aerial counter skill, called “counter exile”, to evade a combo
Notice how the Flurry combos the Gladiator between 00:34 to 00:40 until the Gladiator can use his aerial evasion again.
At 1:28, notice how the Flurry fails her combo and the Gladiator use his wake-up attack to stand up again
Skill controll and cancellation
In Dragon Nest, there are alot of skills that you can controll very finely while it’s being executed. you can controll the direction of the speed, the gaps between the diffrent sword slashes, and in some cases even cancel the skill mid-way to dodge or to cast another skill. being able to very finely controll your skills give this game an amazing feeling when you fight, and part of what makes it an amazing fighting game.
You can see all throughout the video how skills can be aimed until the very last moment before it’s fired, how the Gladiator can controll the direction and speed of his sword slashes very finely…
For example.
at 00:52, notice how the Gladiator can change the direction of his attack until the very last moment before the actual hit
at 1:24 the Flurry can change the direction of her skill while casting it, like in a real fight
at 1:29 you can see the Gladiator using a skill called “Triple Slash EX”. while using that skill, he can finely controll the direction of every slash, the gap between the diffrent slashes. Also, unlike most skills in game, he can even choose the type of the last two slashes (right mouse click is one type of slash, left mouse click is the other type)
I would love it if Oort will take some of those amazing combat mechanics as insparation!