Comment: Where are all the updates?

@Clexarews: My concerns are about the complete “EA development process” for B< and not especially for this concrete situation (It’s in principle okay that they delay for a couple of weeks to get the boulde out - even if i think the could release stuff in the meantime). Did you read through all i wrote ? … I’m arguing for a more agile development process and not for “buggy” or “rushed” updates (even if this goes hand in hand often).

If you only like to show “final” stuff, if you only like to show things if they are polished, you shouldn’t do EA in the first place. There would be absolute no problem if they do their work and take their time as long as noone (except their QA) is able to play. In the moment you release your stuff to an audience you need to “show” stuff and that on a frequent basis (read my linked Wiki article above, to learn more about RAD). Even if it might not be “perfect” or “polished” in the last detail. E.g. Why not add the ground basher without all the “cool” biom-styles and without the last level of detail in animation (just like the splitter and the goat) ? A lot of “small” dev groups refine their project over time and try to get content in the game as first and not as last.

A game is a “large” project of course. Some features within a game are by far not. If it take 10 months to get a ground basher working (even if there is already “working” livestock) it’s neither agile nor EA “friendly”.

But i assume this is a “final” than product than and not something in EA ?

A lot of “let them do” arguments is out of the the point of view of BIG companies with complete development and strictly defined QA processes where everything need to take defined steps with “classic” processes. If you like to success with EA and attract players you should work more agile and more transparent (a lot of successfull games prove this valid) - and i want them to success (I’d even code for them unsalaried in my freetime if i could).

I’ve stated nearly everything dozens of times but obviously the “points of view” are completly different (or i’m absolutly unable to explain myself) - I’m tired. Let the future show how many “more” players the current process will attract.

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