Community Liaison?

I been thinking, here we are, the few, the proud, the loyal and we know as little as the ones who long ago gave up and moved on. BUT, I have an idea. What if we nominate a community liaison, someone who truly represents the community. And we open a thread that is strictly for questions we would like answered. The liaison then picks 5 or 10 questions to ask on a weekly/biweekly basis and @Tiggs does her best to answer. Even if the answer is simply “We are not prepared to talk about that at this time.” Then the liaison posts the answers to that same thread. Of course, this would require a willing liaison and a few concessions from Monumental.

I dunno, just tossing it out there. Might not be a great idea, since we are like bloodhounds on a fox given the slightest scent of blood. Lol.


NGL with a community manager I find this redundant.

The interaction would be nice but if Tiggs wants to participate in something like that she surely could just run it, or the devs could pin an AMA type thread and just actually moderate it clean of crying about timelines.

The vast majority of the strain revolves around the same two questions anyways:

  • Any timeline yet?
  • Any roadmap yet?

IMO any other valid/relevant question is going to run into those walls :man_shrugging:

Realizing that what’s left of the community here is hungry for answers, I’m pretty sure they’ll post news ASAP when they have a plan they’re ready to stand by. Based on experience there’s no way I would share any speculation, thoughts, or vague “shaping up” timelines with this community, TBH.

Until there’s something tangible, It doesn’t seem wise to “push harder”.


Even a once a month post saying “This month in the long slog that is transferring a game ownership we got nothing new ticked off.” or “This month we got x thing transferred to us.” would bring the community with them - we could commiserate on the months of nothing, cheer when things did happen. Until the transfer happens everything else we could ask about would be pure speculation


Well, as I said, just an idea I tossed out there.