Community Observations

I wanted to share some observations that I have made while playing the game and maybe it will give some of you some insight. Firstly, I am what I consider a newer player, but I have now put in … (checks Steam) 2600 hours in the game since January 26th, 2021 so I consider myself well versed about the game, but I do however learn new things each day and even some history about the community every so often back when it was a bit more populated. I also help manage DK Mall which has proven a challenge because of the time I find myself spending in it, the requests for new shops or shop expansions, the upkeep of quite a few shops turning to ash, and the management of portals. I applaud those of you running the malls and the hubs it is not an easy job.

I participate regularly in many hunts when I can (Kree, EZPZ, Tesseract, Gleambow, GTG). I also have 4 shops now (1 concrete in DK, 1 concrete in Kree, 1 Hunt Items in DK, and 1 storage item in Kree and a new one soon in Socha EZPZ Mall) and there are few other things I do … like annoy @KArios and @DJDancecraft and at times point at @Rydralain and comment on his negative looking character and hang with my favorite Goo lover @Dwarftree. I also regularly try and catch @Shadykatt34 @ Brandywine and I peek in to see if I can catch @Larky in Painters (I still buy a lot of paint)! I even was almost a sacrificial goat in a ritual in some obscure corner of Boundless by @noniethepup

The point to all this is… I play a lot! I am also very observant so here’s a list of some observations that you may or may not find useful or interesting.

  • PS players currently outnumber PC players
  • Many players are not on the forums
  • There is a constant influx of new players
  • DK Mall has at least one new shop and one shop expand every 3 days
  • DK Mall has at least one shop goto ash every 5 days (this has slowed down considerably)
  • Most malls have one griefer and one of those griefers are in multiple malls
  • Many hunts I have participated in have 15-20 people on average (Min: 5 people to Max: 49)
  • I meet at least 2-3 new players a day (actively looking for them)
  • My concrete shop in DK doubled its sales by linking directly to EZPZ and TNT (not surprised)
  • There is more profit in selling to request baskets than selling in a shop stand. There are some exceptions like crafted items such as concrete and marble as those are seldom in request baskets.
  • White and Black concrete outsell every other concrete by 2:1 on average.
  • Pure Red and Pure Green concrete are also top sellers.
  • Many players are unaware of what a Gleambow hunt is and that there was an official Gleambow event at one point
  • Some players that have said they were quitting still play (some as minimal as possible)

I may add some more items to the list but some might be useless tidbits of information I have gathered.


Very interesting observations. Thanks for writing them down!


Someone give this guy a medal.

This info is great keep it coming.


I’m a Super Rare Achievement Mwahahahaha

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-Buugi is the Best.

  • Dutch likes to party

There have been 3 official gleambow hunts. The first one happened sort of around the first full moon after the vernal equinox ish kind of time, and the following year they occurred around both equinoxes. They all involved meteors that dropped gleam instead of the usual swag and required special totems to harvest before decaying to mundane meteroites after a timeout.


Those were the official ones yes… but we still have unofficial gleambow hunts where we spawn the gleambow meteors and still have to use gleambow totems to break them. The meteors are made of various materials (Ash, Gleam, Glass, Foliage etc.) and usually contain some rare colors.

The only difference between the official and unofficial hunts that I am aware of (someone please correct me) is that there are a lot more meteors, the cuttles drop gleambow sacs and maybe some other event items are available.

How do you spawn the meteors? This is the sort of thing that should get documented on the wiki so we plebs can also play.

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There are gleambow augments you can attach to a totem …point them into the air and shoot. Then they spawn … its documented on the forums from a few of my posts and some others.

The meteor size varies based on the amount of players like normal hunts … so the more the merrier.

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These are sort of economic observations/tips -

  • If you want Bitter Beans, take a T6 Chill sovereign and add Maze (lv. 5) biome. It is glacier and not ice, so you walk normally. And gives you a great sapphire area too.
  • The tops of Island Trees are great for bean and glowing lamella farming. If the area doesn’t connect to land, mobs won’t spawn on the canopy.
  • Of all the T6 mining (not counting T7s), I’ve done a lot and going for amethyst on a Corrosive - especially in emerald overlap areas - is by a good margin the most profitable. Lot of fossils, gold, and silver.
  • Though, for best profit for a tool, that is beat by hunting Roadrunners and Hoppers on T6s (on flat biomes like Gleam Spiral for best results) and ignoring the other mobs. You’ll do better meteor hunting with a group on profit if you don’t contribute much, but it absolutely beats solo T3-4 meteor hunting on profit. Set yourself up for speed and stealth, give it a try in my hunting grounds (I keep trying to get word out on this, since it is pretty fun too).
  • Evil Paka is Evil. :smiling_imp:

Just to add I wrote up this rough information too.

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slowly approaches with totem in hand Baaahhh~~

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The three actual gleambow events occurred with 2 different rule sets.

The first two were basically the same with certain changes to the timing and adjustment settings, can’t remember if there was anything else added. I think part of the big draw for the second one was that they were just adding plain glass blocks.

The third one was the introduction of the gleambow sacs, and craftable event items, i.e. the current format.

Since then, it’s just player sponsored/led hunts using the augments.

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I appreciate the info @Nightstar. So just plain glass meteors only the second time? Or they added those along with the rest? Just curious sounds like just added it to the rest but figured I’d ask.

I have gotten over 150+ of all the gleambow colors of gleam from doing the player led hunts… it has been nice but that is from quite a few hunts.

I knew it …

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from the announcement:

This time around, at the start of the event we’ll also be releasing a brand new line of Gleam Storage items in Plain, Stylish and Ornate variants for you to keep all your shiny new Gleambow rewards in. These will still be available to be crafted after the event ends. New for this version of the event, Gleambow Meteorites may now also be made of Glass, and we’re going to be adding two awesome new cosmetics to the Exchange to go along with the ever-popular Gleamicorn Horn from last time.

So I guess it’s when they released the gleam closed storage as well as a couple of new wearables. No substantial rule change but I think it was during the second event when they tried some new timer settings, and times for the meteors were getting as long as 15 minutes or something crazy.

After that it was REALLY hard to go back to the usual settings :sweat_smile:

EDIT: for fun here’s the most screenshots I ever tried to post in a forum thread:

During the event I had tried to get a shot of every dormant meteor I came across.

EDIT2: lol ok enough rabbit holing!!!

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Ah nice! Appreciate that info too!