Community project - Boundless Server Status & Ping Test

Just a little update after another day of development and testing.

New known issues:

  • IE11 does not seem to render the charts. Needs further investigation
  • Page has a horizontal scrollbar, caused by the preview label

Next update will contain:

  • Various UI fixes, including above horizontal scrollbar issue caused by the preview label
  • New feature: PingTest, option to test your own local connection speed against the game servers with option to copy te results to the forums for additional support :wink:
  • Rollout later this week…

Thanks for the input so far!


The new feature has just been released to the live server :smile:.
The start post is updated with all details, including a screenshot and the URL to reach it.

Example output:

Server Ping 1 Ping 2 Ping 3 Result
Europe 34 ms 34 ms 34 ms All good
US-East 106 ms 107 ms 106 ms All good
US-West 175 ms 172 ms 173 ms All good
Australia 343 ms 344 ms 343 ms All good



That is actually pretty bad.
Are you experiencing issues in the game as well? Slow browsers van impact the test though. In general it should be pretty similar. In case you don’t experience issues in game, which browser does you use and from what location? Are you on a mobile device, since your viewport is quite small.

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Lol I’m on holiday in Spain using a 2g mobile connection with 1 bar of service. I haven’t tried the game over here.
And that’s just a cropped screenshot btw, site works great on mobile

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A little below min min min spec … :wink:


@james would have to agree on that one :wink:

Yeah, think that is just a little below spec as well :smile:

Good to hear that the site was working well, even from other countries. Have even seen visitors from The United States and Peru :astonished:


Hahaha, you caught me. The peru represent is me.


These are my actual results:

Server Ping 1 Ping 2 Ping 3 Result
Europe 16 ms 16 ms 17 ms All good
US-East 79 ms 80 ms 79 ms All good
US-West 143 ms 143 ms 145 ms All good
Australia 274 ms 275 ms 275 ms All good

Not bad at all!
I think you will not receive any latency related issues in the game :slight_smile:


26-04-2018 - Minor updates
The 24th of April there was some maintenance going on on all Boundless Gameservers as published by Blake:
Under the hood there were some DNS, URL and Port changes that had to be updated for the Boundless Status page and Ping Test to keep working. These changes have been rolled out on the 26th of April 19:25 UTC.

In case someone experienced errors on the site the last 2 days, this was caused by this update, please try again now :slight_smile:


Do you still maintain your service? :slight_smile:

Currently I’m not, buy I ofcourse can when there are people interested in it.

Could stil be usefull, for statistics or for issues we’re facing today where Steam is having issues and Valve nor Steam is posting anything about it… Boundless now just gives an error after starting: Unable to log in Boundless account. Please try again later. Connecting (Error: 3)

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Haven’t had any replies last year. For now, it is what it is. No new updates planned. Might reconsider when local universe option comes available.

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I’m happy you are still here and have it available. This would have been helpful a few days ago when everything was slow and @james said there was “Internet Weather”.

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That’s sad, hope that issue has been resolved. Still like building things like this, so might put it back live in the future if there is a need. It will need a technical redesign though as the current solution is scaling very bad…

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Little update for some who are experiencing issues with the Boundless game servers.
I did not mange to update the old website yet, so I created a Windows batch script to do some oldskool reporting about latency. It also includes additional troubleshootings data.

I present to you all a first public version of a boundless report tool.
Please report your issues in this thread or by DM.

Name: Boundless Report
Version: 0.4
Date: 2021-05-14
Download: (Use save target as “boundlessreport.bat”)
Platform: Windows
Use: Download the file, make sure it is saved as .bat. Run the file and follow the menu to create a report. There are currently two reports, a simple ping test and a more detailed diagnostics report.

v0.2 - 14-05-2021 - Initial release on the forums
v0.3 - 14-05-2021 - Removed not needed output
v0.4 - 14-05-2021 - Feedback from @Huntsman: IPv6 comment added + trace speed + extra report option for diagnostics

Examples taken on my Dutch 30/3 DSL connection.

Example: Ping report

BOUNDLESS CONNECTION TROUBLESHOOTER                  v0.3 / 2021-05-14
by NL-Tim
Report type: Ping
Report date: 14/05/2021 12:19:56,24

EU Central
EUC2 - Antar VI                total: 0,078000s
EUC2 - Arie                    total: 0,078000s
EUC1 - Besevrona               total: 0,094000s
EUC2 - Cardass                 total: 0,078000s
EUC1 - Circarpous I            total: 0,078000s
EUC5 - Dzassak                 total: 0,094000s
EUC4 - Eresho                  total: 0,079000s
EUC1 - Finata                  total: 0,078000s
EUC3 - Gellis                  total: 0,094000s
EUC2 - Gloviathosa             total: 0,078000s
EUC3 - Imoco                   total: 0,079000s
EUC4 - Kol Huroo               total: 0,093000s
EUC1 - Lamblis                 total: 0,094000s
EUC3 - Niia Zed Ka             total: 0,094000s
EUC2 - Refgar                  total: 0,078000s
EUC1 - Sochaltin I             total: 0,078000s
EUC5 - Trung                   total: 0,078000s
EUC4 - Xa Frant                total: 0,078000s

US East
USE3 - Alder                   total: 0,390000s
USE1 - Beckon                  total: 0,391000s
USE1 - Biitula                 total: 0,390000s
USE2 - Cephonex Merika         total: 0,359000s
USE1 - Delta Cancret           total: 0,375000s
USE4 - Gyosha Ophin            total: 0,390000s
USE4 - Houchus I               total: 0,390000s
USE2 - Kada I                  total: 0,375000s
USE2 - Maryx                   total: 0,375000s
USE1 - Pheminorum              total: 0,375000s
USE3 - Raxxa                   total: 0,391000s
USE1 - Serpensarindi           total: 0,375000s
USE2 - Shedu Tier              total: 0,360000s
USE3 - Sorissi                 total: 0,406000s
USE4 - Tana VII                total: 0,375000s
USE2 - Trior                   total: 0,375000s

US West
USW2 - Alcyon                  total: 0,687000s
USW1 - Alnitans                total: 0,703000s
USW2 - Angel I                 total: 0,687000s
USW1 - Grovidias Te            total: 0,672000s
USW2 - Imdaari                 total: 0,703000s
USW2 - Minorengle              total: 0,688000s
USW2 - Norkyna                 total: 0,687000s
USW1 - Seginiakai              total: 0,703000s
USW1 - Storis II               total: 0,703000s
USW1 - Till                    total: 0,671000s

AUS1 - Boori                   total: 1,109000s
AUS2 - Flan                    total: 1,125000s
AUS2 - Galan                   total: 1,109000s
AUS1 - Lasaina                 total: 1,109000s
AUS1 - Lutrion                 total: 1,109000s
AUS2 - Malurialakrib           total: 1,094000s


Copy-paste if you want to shnare it on the forums.
Press a key to close this report...

Example: Diagnostics report

BOUNDLESS CONNECTION TROUBLESHOOTER                  v0.3 / 2021-05-14
by NL-Tim
Report type: Diagnostics
Report date: 14/05/2021 12:26:34,49

EU Central
EUC2 - Antar VI                total: 0,094000s
EUC2 - Arie                    total: 0,078000s
EUC1 - Besevrona               total: 0,094000s
EUC2 - Cardass                 total: 0,078000s
EUC1 - Circarpous I            total: 0,094000s
EUC5 - Dzassak                 total: 0,109000s
EUC4 - Eresho                  total: 0,094000s
EUC1 - Finata                  total: 0,079000s
EUC3 - Gellis                  total: 0,094000s
EUC2 - Gloviathosa             total: 0,078000s
EUC3 - Imoco                   total: 0,078000s
EUC4 - Kol Huroo               total: 0,078000s
EUC1 - Lamblis                 total: 0,078000s
EUC3 - Niia Zed Ka             total: 0,078000s
EUC2 - Refgar                  total: 0,093000s
EUC1 - Sochaltin I             total: 0,079000s
EUC5 - Trung                   total: 0,078000s
EUC4 - Xa Frant                total: 0,078000s

US East
USE3 - Alder                   total: 0,390000s
USE1 - Beckon                  total: 0,391000s
USE1 - Biitula                 total: 0,406000s
USE2 - Cephonex Merika         total: 0,422000s
USE1 - Delta Cancret           total: 0,360000s
USE4 - Gyosha Ophin            total: 0,407000s
USE4 - Houchus I               total: 0,360000s
USE2 - Kada I                  total: 0,375000s
USE2 - Maryx                   total: 0,359000s
USE1 - Pheminorum              total: 0,375000s
USE3 - Raxxa                   total: 0,375000s
USE1 - Serpensarindi           total: 0,375000s
USE2 - Shedu Tier              total: 0,375000s
USE3 - Sorissi                 total: 0,375000s
USE4 - Tana VII                total: 0,359000s
USE2 - Trior                   total: 0,359000s

US West
USW2 - Alcyon                  total: 0,688000s
USW1 - Alnitans                total: 0,719000s
USW2 - Angel I                 total: 0,672000s
USW1 - Grovidias Te            total: 0,672000s
USW2 - Imdaari                 total: 0,672000s
USW2 - Minorengle              total: 0,672000s
USW2 - Norkyna                 total: 0,657000s
USW1 - Seginiakai              total: 0,688000s
USW1 - Storis II               total: 0,688000s
USW1 - Till                    total: 0,688000s

AUS1 - Boori                   total: 1,125000s
AUS2 - Flan                    total: 1,125000s
AUS2 - Galan                   total: 1,093000s
AUS1 - Lasaina                 total: 1,109000s
AUS1 - Lutrion                 total: 1,110000s
AUS2 - Malurialakrib           total: 1,110000s


Latency details
EUC1 - Sochaltin I             total: 0,078000s / namelookup: 0,016000s / connect: 0,032000s / appconnect: 0,063000s / pretransfer: 0,063000s / redirect: 0,000000s / starttransfer: 0,078000s
USE1 - Beckon                  total: 0,359000s / namelookup: 0,000001s / connect: 0,094000s / appconnect: 0,281000s / pretransfer: 0,281000s / redirect: 0,000000s / starttransfer: 0,359000s
USW1 - Storis II               total: 0,672000s / namelookup: 0,016000s / connect: 0,188000s / appconnect: 0,500000s / pretransfer: 0,500000s / redirect: 0,000000s / starttransfer: 0,672000s
AUS1 - Lasaina                 total: 1,093000s / namelookup: 0,000001s / connect: 0,281000s / appconnect: 0,828000s / pretransfer: 0,828000s / redirect: 0,000000s / starttransfer: 1,093000s

Google DNS via IPv4

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=118
Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=118
Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=118
Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=118

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 7ms, Maximum = 7ms, Average = 7ms

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=118
Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=118
Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=118
Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=118

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 7ms, Maximum = 7ms, Average = 7ms

Google DNS via IPv6

Pinging 2001:4860:4860::8888 with 32 bytes of data:
PING: transmit failed. General failure.
PING: transmit failed. General failure.
PING: transmit failed. General failure.
PING: transmit failed. General failure.

Ping statistics for 2001:4860:4860::8888:
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),

Pinging 2001:4860:4860::8844 with 32 bytes of data:
PING: transmit failed. General failure.
PING: transmit failed. General failure.
PING: transmit failed. General failure.
PING: transmit failed. General failure.

Ping statistics for 2001:4860:4860::8844:
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),

Network routing to EUC1

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  pfSense.localdomain []
  2     1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  3     7 ms     7 ms     7 ms []
  4     7 ms     7 ms     6 ms []
  5     7 ms     7 ms     7 ms []
  6     8 ms     7 ms    10 ms []
  7     9 ms     8 ms     8 ms
  8     8 ms     7 ms     7 ms
  9     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 10     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 11     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 12     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 13     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 14    15 ms    15 ms    14 ms
 15     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 16     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 17     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 18     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 19     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 20     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 21     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 22     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 23     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 24     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 25     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 26     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 27     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 28     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 29     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 30     *        *        *     Request timed out.

Trace complete.

Network routing to USE1

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  pfSense.localdomain []
  2    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  3     7 ms     7 ms     7 ms []
  4     7 ms     6 ms     7 ms []
  5     7 ms     7 ms     7 ms
  6     8 ms     7 ms     8 ms []
  7     8 ms     8 ms     8 ms []
  8    15 ms    15 ms    15 ms []
  9    77 ms    77 ms    77 ms []
 10    77 ms    77 ms    77 ms
 11    84 ms    88 ms    83 ms
 12    81 ms    82 ms    82 ms
 13    92 ms    87 ms    87 ms
 14     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 15     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 16     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 17     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 18    87 ms    87 ms    88 ms
 19     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 20     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 21     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 22     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 23     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 24     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 25     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 26     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 27     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 28     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 29    97 ms    96 ms    96 ms
 30     *        *        *     Request timed out.

Trace complete.

Network routing to USW1

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  pfSense.localdomain []
  2     1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  3     9 ms     8 ms    13 ms []
  4     7 ms     7 ms     7 ms []
  5     8 ms     7 ms     8 ms
  6     7 ms     8 ms     7 ms []
  7     7 ms     8 ms     8 ms []
  8   104 ms   104 ms   104 ms []
  9   103 ms   106 ms   104 ms []
 10   104 ms   103 ms   103 ms []
 11   103 ms   104 ms   104 ms []
 12   115 ms   115 ms   115 ms []
 13   152 ms   127 ms   127 ms []
 14   137 ms   137 ms   137 ms []
 15   152 ms   152 ms   152 ms []
 16   153 ms   155 ms   154 ms []
 17   153 ms   153 ms   153 ms
 18   149 ms     *        *
 19   148 ms   149 ms   151 ms
 20   162 ms   162 ms   162 ms
 21   162 ms   162 ms   162 ms
 22     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 23     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 24     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 25     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 26     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 27     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 28     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 29     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 30     *        *        *     Request timed out.

Trace complete.

Network routing to AUS1

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  pfSense.localdomain []
  2     1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  3     7 ms     6 ms     7 ms []
  4     7 ms     7 ms     7 ms []
  5     7 ms     7 ms     8 ms []
  6     8 ms     7 ms     7 ms []
  7     9 ms     7 ms     7 ms []
  8   107 ms   107 ms   107 ms []
  9   107 ms   107 ms   107 ms []
 10   106 ms   106 ms   106 ms []
 11   106 ms   106 ms   107 ms []
 12   118 ms   118 ms   118 ms []
 13   129 ms   129 ms   129 ms []
 14   140 ms   139 ms   140 ms []
 15   155 ms   155 ms   155 ms []
 16   156 ms   156 ms   156 ms []
 17   151 ms   151 ms   152 ms
 18   151 ms   152 ms     *
 19   152 ms   152 ms   152 ms
 20   272 ms   272 ms   273 ms
 21   272 ms   272 ms   272 ms
 22     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 23   272 ms   272 ms   272 ms
 24   272 ms   272 ms   272 ms
 25   275 ms   274 ms   273 ms
 26   273 ms   273 ms   273 ms
 27   274 ms   273 ms   274 ms
 28     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 29     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 30     *        *        *     Request timed out.

Trace complete.


Copy-paste if you want to share it on the forums.
Press a key to close this report...

Some suggestions & ideas:
have a 3rd option for “quicker” tracert with:
set tracert timeout per probe to 1000ms (-w 1000)
Since default is 4second timeout, and with the amount of non-responding TTL hops (or ttl filters) towards the Boundless servers… it can take quite a while to time out every hop x 4seconds x 3 :slight_smile:

And for all tracert options:
set tracert max hops to 50 (-h 50)
etc: tracert -h 50 -w 1000

Maybe add note above the IPv6 section, that it is okay to fail if no IPv6 Support running. Meaning, this is aimed to be run by most :slight_smile: so to not worry people.

Also maybe an extra option that will keep swapping between 2 ping targets. Etc & 1 of the regional servers. So it provides visual to a different location + the server of interest. to just leave it running for 100000 probes etc… so it is something players can turn on, and leave running. then go have a look at it when something is screwy ingame. (timestamp per entry would be an idea :slight_smile: ) even writing directly to log-%date%.txt etc etc

1 Recommendation towards users of the script, run the full status once while boundless is working well for you. So you have a “baseline” to compare with when stuff then isn’t running great.


Thank you for your suggestions @Huntsman , that’s some usefull feedback as this script was made in just a single morning ;-). I’ll work through them and update the script.

About your last idea, to have a continuous loop running. That’s something I would like to prevent as it willl be spamming ALL boundless servers. So maybe I have to rework that a bit before doing so, for example just pinging a single server.

I could also try to convert this to a real desktop application with GUI. However I’m not sure people would run an .exe downloaded from ‘some guy’ on the forums…

Future of the status page
The original status page was made just to see if the Boundless servers had issues and that it might be on your end or not. Not sure how to move along with that status page project. It’s nice, but not something that was used very often. The application needs some better architecture and a migration to new server hardware as well… Which costs resources, time and money.

I’ve updated the script to v0.4 to include the IPv6 note + an additional report option for faster trace routes. Both diagnostic reports now use a hop limit of 50 in stead of 30 (which was not enough to reach Amazon webservices). Thanks again @Huntsman.

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