Complaints about changes

Uh, I’m sorry but instability at launch is part of the MMO experience.


Sorry to say, but my game never crashed before this update.

I got you. I was just joking about the general theme of this thread – “shut up it’s an mmo whiners” :slight_smile: Though I do agree w/ this sentiment for the most part.

However, I’ve had stability issues since after the final wipe. Hoping it stops eventually.


I think it’s funny that this is the straw that broke the camel’s back for you. Almost every update has been the result of casuals complaining. Bomb mining actually felt mmo-like. There were min-maxing/theorcrafting aspects. I’m not saying it must go back. TBH, I don’t care all that much.

You better not cry if they change it back later.

If you came here for the mmo aspect… go play a real mmo… and stop complaining. :wink:


This is fully how I feel. They are moving the game into a direction where it’s not fun, but a job you don’t get paid for. I already have one of those taking care of family, I don’t need the thing I do for fun to become another.


This… please read this…piratenbraut has got it!

It is boundless you can play any role you want. If you. Love runnin. Around worlds exploring collecting fib leaves well guess what there is someone in a town that lives to craft some sweet hammers and they need your fib leaves and then hey guess what there is a guy out there that just wants to explor caves and find rare gems who is gonna buy that hammer to then trade his gems for cp to the hammer crafter who pays the gatherer for his time collecting fib leaves… and if none of that interests you well you can build a house.

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the fact that higher tier alingbows are so damn expensive is not hindering you from doing what i said, the econom developed in a way that gems are damn expensive. i play with iron sling and fist and i can play well on tier 5 world.

u usuall buy silver hammers for 500 i can easy get around 2000 rocks with one hammer that i can sell for 2 each, or use for stone and refining exps. plus the coal, cooper etc i found.
i dont see that you must get from iron to gem directly.
its not like “at the end you use only gem” its more like that there are Situations where silver or even iron is more cost effektive than gems,and Situations where it is the other way around

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Most MMOs don’t charge you real money to change your skill set. For me, its not having everything handed to me, its about feeling forced to spend $8 every time they make a major balance change. Or holding back on doing what I want to do with my cubits just in case they decide to make another change.

For some players, they spend all of their cubits when they get them. They buy their plots, buy the cool cosmetics, etc. Then a change comes down with no notice and they’re stuck in a build that is no longer effective. It feels bad. They’re forced to grind in an ineffective skill set until they get enough cubits. Other players tell them they just want everything handed to them. All they want to do is have fun but they’re stuck grinding out 200k+ experience to get enough cubits for them to go back to having fun.

Spending money to adjust to a change in the game isn’t fun nor rewarding. Some people will see it as a “cash grab” and leave. I definitely understand why some people are complaining.

No one is asking for it to be free. We are asking that they go back to the way it was in full release that wasn’t so frigging grindy. Trust me if you bomb mined you had to work to make those bombs. It was NOT handed to you. If you made bricks you already had to grind clay. It was NOT handed to you.

Yeah, i was really looking forward to solo players building sprawling nomadic cities.

Instead, now we are being forced to co-operate if we want to advance more rapidly. It’s like industrialization is required to mass produce high value items, and this clearly favours people who co-operate… /s #mmo

I honestly have to question people like you that don’t seem to play MMOs at all. Because if you’ve ever played an actual MMO before, you would know that every single one of them can be played 100% Solo except in special group specific events, such as dungeons and raids with higher level players. And even then, in some MMOs you can do those Solo if you Min-Max your character right and over level the area.

Just being an ‘MMO’ is NOT an excuse to force people together. MMO stands for ‘Massively Multiplayer Online’. Not ‘Forced Cooperation Only’.

He is not complainig with his 1000 + plots and 10k everyday lets nerf the footfall next update. I complain whenever i want dude.

complaining because people are complaining, go farm some mud dude

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Better yet, lets just remove footfall all together, and instead just have mobs reward money when killed. You know, like every other MMO, even the sandbox MMOs.

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This could easily go the other way. If you came here just for the building aspect, go play a building game…and stop complaining;)

The mid level wall needs some adjustments in my opinion. But overall everything else is fine. If you dont want you grind out materials, you dont get those materials. If you dont want to use the market system, you dont get more coin. If you dont want to do the work, you dont get the reward. Simple as that. Again, the mid level wall could use some balance. But that’s about it.

I play with a guild but I’ve collected all of my own resources to play. I’ve done everything solo. So those saying it cant be done is wrong. I use alts personally. But let’s say you came here ONLY to gather as has been suggestions in the comments here. How can you do everything if you only want to gather? Is it impossible to progress? Absolutely not. Use the coin you originally earn to purchase a few plinths. Sell what you gather. Now you have a source of income to continue purchasing upgrades. If all you do is ONE job you should have plenty of extra resources to sell for coin. Use what you obtain to make up the difference.
Or…make an alt. Alts can be very effective even at low levels because you can spec them specifically for one job. By level 15 a miner or gatherer can 1 shot materials on T1 worlds. A hunter can solo t3 meteors and survive t4 worlds as well. There are lots of different resources to build with on these low level worlds. Now I understand in this aspect builders feel like they have the short end of the stick. But if you literally only want to build you’re playing the wrong game. This game was never intended for someone to open it up the first time and be able to just build indefinitely without any work to obtain building materials. That just simply isn’t doable in a sandbox MMO because everything requires work to progress.

As for the OP, constructive criticism is always welcome IMO. Everyone’s opinion is valid and the developers do use that information to make decisions about the game. Debates are a great way to bring all sides of the issues into the light. But there are a select few (it really doesn’t matter who) that are simple whining very loudly and Its very difficult to resist the urge just tell them to shut up sometimes…(:
If you dont want to do the work, you dont get the rewards that we get from doing that work. It’s a very simple concept.

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I agree completely! People shouldnt be forced to play together!
Thing is, they aren’t forced here. Doing things faster, more efficiently- yes, co-operation helps with that, thats life my friend. You can solo it though, much like I’m doing, it just takes longer.
You cant play solo AND expect to be able to do what several individuals achieve in co-operation AT THE SAME RATE. It’s completely do-able though.

The problem is tho, are you actually doing it solo? Do you not use any alts either? Cause having Alts isn’t doing it solo, it’s doing it as a group, just with one person controlling the people.

That’s… not… but… I have a very different understanding of solo to you, it seems!