Complaints about changes

This is just for single points, not full skill resets. You earn a skill reset point per level even after level 50 - no cubits are needed at all to achieve this.

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Thank you, another old’ie mmo player.

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What at 1reset point per lvl, be real man, with no cubits spent, that would mean you’d have to be lvl 180, to get a completely free skill points reset, new players not knowing this are going to go through those, like I myself did, trying to get skills in areas they deem most appropriate to their current situation. So unless someone comes forward saying DON’T DO THIS, a lot of players will end up in the same situation, and start grumbling about what seems to be a forced pay the devs money situation, not saying it specifically is, just that’s how it’s feeling.


You don’t HAVE to get that feat. It won’t give you anything special in the game besides some XP. It’s a super long-term goal for people who have been playin’ for months and months I’m sure an’ by the time they get it, they won’t need the XP.

Your obviously not a PS4 trophies Hunter, to blatantly sit there and say “There’s no point” means you don’t get platinum for all trophies in a game. And even if you’re not on PS4, to say “It’s only a bit of xp” no it’s not just about the xp, it’s also about the self satisfaction of completing the goals the game devs have laid out. So don’t down play how someone likes to play.

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I never downplayed anything. I want’to understand.

What does a trophy do for you? Why does it matter? If the devs had a platinum trophy that was “play 5,000 days” would you try to achieve it?

Do you feel bad if you can’t achieve a platinum trophy?

Yes, that what you do for trophy hunting. Why is that such a difficult concept to understand? As I stated it a self satisfaction of accomplishment.


And besides this isn’t about me or my feeling, this is about in game goals that make you feel like you need to spend real money to achieve, so address the issue I’m bringing up not me.

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Edit, you are right @Heximiasma . Sorry.

Don’t put words in my mouth or accuse me of such things.

I’ve never worried about achievements in my life, so I asked him why it mattered. Why that suddenly makes me passive aggressive, I have no clue.

Ok, ok, enough with the whole, he said, she said, don’t talk that way, that’s not what I meant senario.
Let’s get back to the actual topic for which I’m trying to raise awareness of. Putting semi unattainable achievement in the game, that make you feel like you need to spend real money to achieve. THAT, is the issue I wish to discuss. Putting aside the whole capital city achievement, this is just one case that I’m showing, in which hard earned cubits will need to be reallocated to complete in game goals, rather than spending them on, say plots, or tints, character redesign, wearables.

its like in the real world, societies of ppl who coop are advanced over those wo wont.
its called “civilisation”.

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The fact that you can even earn credits from leveling at all is a testament to how moderate the monetization in this game is. In the vast majority of games I’ve played you’d get some cubits for the tutorial plots purchase and perhaps a few more plots and then you’d be on your own. Instead these devs have given us players limitless opportunity to get more, which could very well make it hard for them to keep the servers running.


Then by all means please explain how to go about it, do you not understand what I’m getting at? You will either need to spend real money to complete objectives, save cubits to buy respec tokens or make your way to lvl 1000 in order to complete the objective. This is why I gate open forum, people only want to discredit or bash on something someone has to legitimately discuss, and instead of offering helpful viable solutions, would rather tear your query apart.

I’m legitimately in this forum thread to seek a viable solution to my very real problem. If you can’t contribute to the solution, then don’t tear me apart for seeking a solution. Take time to actually read what it is I’m posting.

Given it’s a platinum trophy, and supposed to be very hard to get, isn’t the answer somethin’ you just stated?

You’ll need to save cubits up, and make a few high level characters. It’s a hard trophy to get, that’s for sure.

I haven’t seen anyone do this or say anything mean to you in this thread.

I’m postin’ here because I’m seriously tryin’ to figure out what exactly you want. You say you have a “very real problem” and if I’m correct, you’re stressed because you want the achievement badly, but you don’t want to put in the hundreds of hours it’ll take to get it, so you feel pressured to spend real money to do it?

Is that it?

If I’ve somehow offended you, that isn’t my intention. I just reread this message dozens of times to try and make sure I didn’t say anything rude but if I did, I didn’t mean to.

get a clue please you have NO idea what you are talking about

The conversation has long since moved past the OP…

Not sure I should really jump in at this point but all I’ll say. This isn’t some MMO this isn’t minecraft, this is boundless and most of the comparisons who say “this is how it SHOULD be done” are pointless. It’s fine to ask for subtle changes that improve the game but there is too much begging in these arguments for fundemental changes to the games mechanics. Maybe boundless isn’t for you?

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Maaaaaan I’ve gotten platinum for almost all guitar hero and rock band games so spending money to get a trophy is somewhat normal AND like CreativeWorlds mentioned, long term goals. There are so many games with significantly longer to get trophies than Boundless. Most trophy hunters like me just see it as another thing to achieve or “looks like I’m not getting this platinum”
FFXIV makes you do 1000 levequests, you get 6 tokens for it a day and it caps at 100 tokens. Doing them when you start is probably not going to happen so what about that? That’s pretty long term but it’s still doable seeing as I got it.