It’s beginning to look a lot like Oortmas…
Shouldn’t be down long folks, we’ll let you know when we’re back up and running.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Oortmas…
Shouldn’t be down long folks, we’ll let you know when we’re back up and running.
Thank you, Sam! Looking forward for the changes!
This lockdown makes gaming the only exciting thing left to do
downtime…good opportunity to go jingle my bells to get in the mood.
Thanks, looking forward to it!
Jingle all the way
I’m bashing the green RETRY button to connect… who’s with me? =)
@SamF I’m first this time
game is back up!
aaaaaand done. Merry Oortmas everyone, the event kicks off at 1200 UTC!
you to @SamF
awesome LETS GOO <3
Thanks!! As a heads-up (I tweeted some shots from the TNT Megahub) a number of planets showing game server offline just a minute ago?
Edit: Never mind, looks good now!
Spoiler for the ones still at work?
What is the color decided on ? The clay ?
Hm, I’m not sure. I spawned them in on creative. Hopefully someone with candy canes can help!
Though, I think that’s the only colored block there, so probably?
I can’t get any of these snow meteors to fall, has anyone else had success?
Edit: I had success.
Note: Clear weather does not stop meteorite snow!
Release notes?
I cant connect? My client is outdated?