Morning all,
We’re going to be offline briefly 2020-05-12T10:30:00Z
We shouldn’t be offline long, and we’ll keep you posted once it is complete.
Thanks for your patience!
Morning all,
We’re going to be offline briefly 2020-05-12T10:30:00Z
We shouldn’t be offline long, and we’ll keep you posted once it is complete.
Thanks for your patience!
That timezone thing you did works great! Good job!!!
I have @scrufola to thank for letting me know that it was possible
What will BE done this time some fixes?
Do i get my cubits Back?
Would BE nice to hear If there are Any Changes.
I would imagine it’s a hotfix to do with this…
Hi Turrican,
The downtime was related to the forum post Stretchious linked.
I have given James a nudge on the cubits for you as well
Thx to for the Info and Help:smiley:
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