[Completed] Buying Oort via Hand Trade (Rough Oortstone, 300c ea, budget: 240k)

I have enough coin to buy 800 rough oortstone at 300c ea. If anyone is looking to make a quick 240k, please feel free to reach out. Thank you.

Took someone’s suggestion to just run around looking for shop stands, found one with a decent supply at 295c each.

Increased the price, Seems 260 was too low for people.

I am thinking how the price for oortstones will increase .

Will IT sell perhaps for 400 or even 500 or more coins?

Seems there is Not much in the market .

Also i am asking my self how many oortstones nightstar would buy saying even huge Numbers.

What are huge Numbers for oortstones???

For me ITS okay If the price ist raising because ITS time Consulting to get IT . And everyone needs to fuel his Portals .

Thanks, @Turrican2006 and @scrufola … Are you planning on fulfilling the request I made in the OP?

If you’re paying 300c might as well buy off shop stands. Last night there was a couple of places with a couple thousand on stands

Sry i wont because i ll save my oort because Work is getting now extrem time consuming and i’ll save my oort for this time because i think i wont have time for hunts in the next 6 or 7 months … The time i have for gaming i ll spent for my Shop and Mining .

I may have some oort left. I’ll check tomorrow after work and let you know!

Well, only reason I offered 300 is because you went and upped your buy offer… I finally gave up and just found a stand with them at 295c each.

Thank you though… This has been completed.