
JohnDew je comprends pas pourquoi j’ai gagnée le concours de décorations de Noël et j’ai toujours pas reçu mon argent ??

You probably need to contact him, although I’m sure he does not speak french so you might need to contact him in english instead. :stuck_out_tongue:


J’ai essayé il ne répond pas

sorry mate i’m afraid you cannot order pizza here…


Hahaha you are funny

Nee sorry, we bezorgen geen friet bij je thuis. En al helemaal niet naar Frankrijk/Canada.

Dus helaas, andere tent zoeken?

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probablement une barrière linguistique. il parle anglais…

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Jimagine le tete de chevreuil en lisant sa haha :wink:

nu krijg ik honger om deze tijd OORLOG GRAAG!

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Guten Appetit der Herr :smiley:

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I’m try to understand some people … but also to make me understand.

Will I be insulted because my English is bad? … yes I speak French since I was born … yes I am a Canadian, but also a Quebecker. Yes, I learned English words so I could communicate a little more easily in my country, Canada.

But … what about you with your French to Quebec that is located (should I remind you) in your country, Canada?

But I’m not here to tell you to learn French … far from it. But when I see people insulting people who try to communicate in English and who are insulted because they make mistakes, it makes me crazy. I can understand perfectly that on the forum, we have to speak English … but what to do when we are insulted when written in French … AND IN ENGLISH! (because we are trying to communicate… and that some of you force yourself to insult us).

Other things … I created the village “Quebec” to just give the opportunity to some Francophone, who does not speak an English word, to enjoy the game in its entirety without having to always use google translation because yes, well that we want to make a whole … it becomes boring.

I do not want to play politics, but when I see things like that (picture below) I find that very stupid. (I remain polite)

It’s built right next to my village …

You know … there are francophones who are happy to cross our village and come to live there because they just want to enjoy the game in its entirety … that’s why the village is called … Quebec! Because we have been insulted when trying to speak English and also when speaking French … in our dear country that is Canada! … where there are Anglophones AND … francophones!

Tell you one thing … At least we try. :wink: … my signs are even bilingual!

Without rancor … all I want is to have fun playing Boundless … And thank you to the boundless team for the french version of the game. Without that, a ton of French could not play this game because it does not speak a word of English …

And Danyka … tu es une honte.

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Je comprends pas bien le problème?

Il t’insulte in game? Ou c’est sont Canad’he qui t’insulte ?

anyway le thread parle d’autre chose.

Garde ta tête entre les jambes si tu veux… j’ai assez élaboré comme ça.

T’es pas Québécois j’espère? … sinon j’imagine pas la tête du chevreuil

Je croit que tu a un problème d’attitude, je voulais t’aider mais tu est le seul a le pouvoir mon gars. :slight_smile: Bonne soirée a toi!

Tu voulais m’aider en quoi? J’ai dit c’que je constate un point c’est tout.

Merci pareil

Bonne soirée!

Problème d’attitude … elle est bien bonne. Surtout avec les insultes que le monde garoche sur ce forum

J’ai créé des ligues pendant plusieurs années pour les jeux MLB et NHL dans le passé et j’écrivais en français en toute liberté sur leurs forums sans me faire insulter … ici c’est incroyable, j’ai jamais vu ça.

Si j’écris ça c’est parce que j’ai vu quelques post assez insignifiant concernant la langue française … où on s’est également attaqué directement au Québec