Congratulations Lacuna!

Thanks to the hard work of all the locals, Lacuna (Capital of Storis 2) is officially a great city! I encourage all of you to come check out the awesome builds.

I want to give special thanks to @Soltagn and @Mittins for creating such a friendly and welcoming community (hopefully I got the right forum names for Quazel and Dav). I really can’t say enough about how much these two do to embody the spirit of cooperation this game is designed for.

I gotta say it has been awesome watching this city flourish over the last few months, and I feel privileged to be a part of it. Anytime I need inspiration for a build all it takes is a quick walk around the block. Not to mention this city is extremely welcoming for new players!

Apologies for anyone I miss, but big thanks to
@SavageSpyder83, @leperous1, @Deathwhisper,
Xtreme, Draugo (sorry I couldn’t find your forum names) and all other Lacunites. All of you have enhanced this game for me in one way or another, and for that I’m in your debt.


Post some screenshots too :>


Im at work rn, but Thank you so much for the shout out! We will get some screen shots up tonight.

We really love the community that has grown around our little town and appreciate everyone of you! The Great City achievement is more of a representation for the greatness of our community and the enjoyment we all have in playing this game!

Thanks Endo… i think this is from you…

I promise… one day I will finish that Tree…


YAY LACUNA! I wonder if i’ll move there? I kinda wanted to move to Minorengle. Lacuna is in the same server region and probably i’ll love it. Lacuna is an amazing city!!! As soon as they release beacon reclaiming, I’m moving!


Here’s a few screens, I’ll try to add more later (ps4 doesn’t make it easy)


Thanks Bro we have worked on a lot of projects together and its been fun.


Thank you Endo (Durangotang)! I know it is a work in progress for alot of us…:grimacing: Here’s a few more shots:

If you’re looking for someplace to build or a community to grow with…Welcome to Lacuna!


Thank you to all who are a part of our amazing community :wink: I feel so very proud to be a part of it all.


I’m building a hospital here. I changed the original destination!