Connection problems in all worlds

But… all those other games only let you connect to ONE server at a time which is probably one that is the closest to you, right?

The issues with Comcast/verizon were because of routing issues to servers OUTSIDE of your region… mostly EU ones if I remember correctly

I never experienced the lag you describe. Im in EU and if i go to an AUS world, theres some lag, but most is managable. The EU worlds are all lagfree for me, and i have a mediocre connection from my ISP.

Thanks Anena. :slight_smile:

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It would be helpful to remember that most online games people play have a prerendered world/levels that are mostly static and loaded client side. A Boundless world has millions (billions?) of entities that need to be loaded from the server and can be constantly being changed by many players at one time.

On the one hand you are right. No other game puts you on foreign servers and, usually, maintains playability. Or at least sometimes.

On the other hand, my ping to every other game in the universe is 15-20ms. And my ping to boundless USE and USW is at best 70-80. I’ve literally never seen 50ms. Not a single time in 16 months of play. This makes me suspect there is something “off” with boundless itself.

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Well, I have seen pings of 48ms on an EU server… Most of the time it’s around 55ms for me on Trung, in my workshop tho it’s usually higher…

And that is another thing that is a tad odd or different, the ms number the game shows is NOT the actual ping, it takes other things into account which is why it shoots up when entering a new world, you go near your farm and the game needs to recalc the plants growth changes since your last visit, etc., etc.

James mentioned that not too long ago but it’s always hard to find where…

Im pretty sure the discombubulator got discombubulated causing the intra web interstellar trafficking redirection to falter causing a seismic tear in the space time continuity causing said connection issues…yeah I have no idea.


U tryin too hard my guy

Lol :joy: definitely 10 characters

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shoot that was very little effort actually …ill be here in the Acapulco lounge all week get your tickets while supplies last.


Just a shame those are one way tickets ,I know what your goal is buddy! Trying to keep them exos for yourself…:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

pluuuhheeeaaasss you folks been playing without a care in the world back 2 weeks when it was happening to me…lol

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Wel that explains it…your the reason the server planets go wonky let’s last time u was offline my connection was perfect since u play again I’m having unstable connections just like me and my ex back in the days…

Thats prolly cuz I was seeing her back then lol,mic drop!

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Daaaaaayum :flushed:


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I am USE and play mostly on Raxxa with a ping of 48-53 . The only time my ping goes higher is on Aussie servers and it never goes above 85 .

Are you talking about the ping as reported by the game client? Since that’s different from just network latency so you can’t really compare that to a game that shows just the pure network latency. If you ping the server you’ll see lower numbers than what the client is reporting.

Have not had major connection issues lately but it just went a bit crazy on Exo Sarra II

the red square-saw-wave-like line is dropped packets detected.