Controller Guide Request

Can a PS4 player please make a button guide for us PC players? I get asked all the time from PS4 players how to do and since I have never played the game on PS4, I don’t know how to answer.

If someone can make a guide for this, or share, I think it will help!


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This is for steam controller… i dunno is it even close what ps4 is having
Anyways i thought i share

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There is a guide already, it’s under settings --> controls.

This doesn’t show the PS4 controller settings while on PC. I am hoping to get one from the PS4 side of things. Something I can reference.

But thank you for the input!

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I didn’t even know this was a thing, So this will help for Steam Controllers! Thanks for posting this! <3

If a PS4 player can take a peek and lemme know if it’s similar or different this would help.


you kinda don’t have to do anything button wise when it comes to an ps4 controller and steam.

all you do is connect your ps4 controller either using Bluetooth or an usb cable.
then you go to steam settings at steam–>settings–>controller–>general controller settings
and enable ps4 controller support see screenshot below

that is all to it really

Ah wait a minute…I get you now. Sorry about that thought it was someone else with a ps4

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I was more asking to figure out what buttons do what on a PS4 system/controller so when a player who asks from a PS4 system “Hey what button do I use to not fall off of stuff like in minecraft?” – I don’t shout back “Oh just hit the C key by default.” – Which is what we use on a keyboard.

My question is to ask-- what buttons, X does ?
O does ?
Triangle does ?

Something like that.

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[Run Toggle] L3 (press down)
[Move] left thumb stick
[Look] right thumb stick
[Jump] Cross
[Creep] Circle


[interact] Square
[open inventory] triangle
[use left hand item L2 trigger
[use right hand item R2 trigger
[Holdster tools] down directional button
[Toggle builder mode] up directional button
[Toggle view] left directional button


[open quick use left selection] (pad) L1 trigger
[open quick use right selection] (pad) R1 trigger


[wind left hand grapple in] L2 Trigger
[wind right hand grapple in] R2 trigger
[wind left hand grapple out] L1 Trigger
[wind right hand grapple out] R1 Trigger
[Detach oldest grapple] down directional+ circle


[Select] Cross
[More info] Triangle
[Back] Circle
[Previous tab] L1 Trigger
[Next tab] R1 Trigger
[Previous filter] L2 Trigger
[Next filter] R2 Trigger
[Scroll] Right thumb stick
[Drop item/Eject Ammo] R3 (press down)


[Options menu] Options button
[Open character menu] bottom right side of touch-pad


[Chat] bottom left side of touch-pad
[Options] Triangle

( i will add button images and change a bit here and there)


Above is correct!