Dont get me wrong, I’m proud to be a Yorkshire lass
Dont get me wrong, I’m proud to be a Yorkshire lass
I have a great video I slowed down of a phiddipus audax jumping right at the camera lol. And a cool video I took the other day when a beetle fell into a spiderweb of the spider fighting him. The beetle got away in the end he was too big
Thanks!! Though I’ve had some stones cut (not too many, I’m more into just finding them, haha), I haven’t had any jewelry made, though I want to with a couple of mine. But here are some pics of jewelry others have had made with stones from the mine. The stone in the ring is rutile, the kind we find here sort of looks like liquid mercury when polished up, it is quite pretty. The display case there also has some sillimanite and moonstone in it. Some very pretty garnet is found here as well, I’ll add in a pic of a nice rhodolite garnet-
Ohh im booking a flight right now
Seriously beautiful stuff there!
I’m into metal detecting too myself, though I’m yet to find anything of any significance!
Those are so beautiful
Thank you!!
If anybody reading is interested in ever doing this, here is a link to the FB page (I actually do most these posts for the owners… but not posting spam here, haha, don’t make any money from it, just figured I’d share since it is so fun! ) - https://www.facebook.com/Cherokee-Ruby-and-Sapphire-Mine-210128582335872/
nice stones, bucfanpaka.
Not very many of the fancy fun ones around here for me to find, so I buy lots at gem and mineral shows. Had a very nice haul from the one I went to this past Saturday.
Those are nice… but does your friend know about rift?
I went to a gem and mineral show before with a friend who makes jewelry, crazy stuff!
Thanks, and nice! We’ve got two big shows here each year, try to get to them when I can. There is one where you have to be a vendor to get in one area - hehe, my friends give me their creds so I can go in.
I often, for actual jewelry to wear, just buy off eBay - as long as you don’t want solid gold, natural gemstone jewelry can be gotten really quite cheap, market seems pretty flooded with stones. Pick up nice earrings in the $10-20 range usually.