Hope I’m posting this in the right place on forums so here goes.I have my 1st sovereign planet a few days it’s public you can mine but not plot.Here’s screenshots for you all to see.COSMICSTAR Inhospitable lush T4 lol 1 caustic atmosphere world.You can visit my portal from COSMICVIBRATIONS CITY sky pyramid which is near the ps main hub in lamblis.The way to beam to my pyramid is through starseeds shop in COSMICVIBRATIONS CITY or another portal to it is near my other pyramid which is near ground level…I’m ps4 so easier to post pics.Sorry about bad lighting on my pics
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P.s I also have a portal to my pyramid on pharoahs kingdom called COSMICVIBRATIONS also a portal from Rainbow hub called COSMIC that’s in diassiki .also a portal from oikes hub called COSMICVIBRATIONS.