Could we get an Auction house already...please? :)

If anything, footfall is an argument for the auction house/trade hall. Footfall is completely stupid in this game. I get more footfall for my shop in Gyosha Mall or Quebec then in every of my farms. For the farms I have to keep a portal open, for the shop I don’t have any cost. And the shops don’t sell that much…

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Shopping in this game is really painful, slow, and soul crushing boring. Which means most people just remember a shop that had acceptable prices and good stock and go there.

That’s really awesome for these shops, but it means you have a hard time selling anything if you’re not one of these shops. Now you have two choices to make money:

  • become one of these shops by lowering your prices, then keep it stocked which requires much time and dedication
  • farm something and put it into the minter

I would love to have a third option, sell just as much as you want to farm/forge through the trading hall.

The current system is bad for buyers and the current system is bad for sellers that aren’t the biggest stores. And a market that is bad for most is going to collapse.


for someting like that i think i would prefer it to be dev run the thing with community ran things like boundless trade or malls all it takes is 1 or 2 people that are core to the given project quiting for it all to just collapse

but eve online has a 10000000000 times better economy then boundless has at the current moment i can mine for someting then sell the given item in the time it takes me to calculate how much its worth i dont got to spend 3-4 hours flying form station to station looking for a “shop” that is willing to buy it.

this can easly be done with the “yellow pages” or any kind of price listing system we are just subbing AH for i just check (insert name here) for what shops are currently selling something for then undercut. its just a fact of life in a market system

idk the thing is with a boundless trade style yellow pages its super easy to abuse i can just list something in a shop stand that the general public cant access for a dirt low price and now all of a sudden i got people running to my shop looking for it and not finding it.

i think a AH is just the best way to go to get the economy off life support


Well those shops, if they were actual real life companies, would have generated earned media for their sales. They don’t have to really market or advertise themselves to generate the sales they get. That’s kind of what earned media does for you. Basically, that’s the same way Minecraft and Fortnite got so big and popular today.

Some of this problem of shops not getting a good enough foot traffic or attention is through the terrible portal navigation that is currently in the game but there’s only so much any one group running those portal hubs and networks can do. However, giving a few directions, a forum and discord post or two, and thinking creatively on how to create offers that functionally work to drive sales is a really important thing to do. If you want your shop to get more sales, gotta tell people what you’re selling and about the shop and how to get to it.

I really wish I could create bundle packs of different items into a single item to sell to someone and that someone just unpacks it in their inventory. This kind of idea doubles up as a way to consolidate storage for warehouse sites but also allows players to generate specifically made item packs to trade or sell to players. An example would be a smart stack of forged hammers, a stack of 100 mega strength brew, and a stack of 100 persisting/critical pie. Could be sold for, I don’t know but let’s just say, 45,000c.

There’s a lot of creative functionality that we don’t have for shop stands that make shop competition a lot harder. Fractional coins did help but honestly I don’t think it really helped enough.

I also wish there was a way to safely and securely invest coin into someone’s build or shop and get a return on that investment. So if I dumped 5 million into someone’s shop, I would get a return on that investment periodically and still have the option of pulling that investment coin out of the deal if I want to. It wouldn’t be a coin generator though and be subject to world tax rate on settlements.

This is probably a non-issue since the game can probably be programmed to look at the average prices across the shop stands and exclude anything that’s grossly way over or under the majority of what people are setting prices too. So regardless if something is being put in a shop stand for hundreds of thousands of coin is irrelevant.

I do agree that an AH is a good way to breathe life into the game’s economy though.

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I am not saying people should go out of the game. I don’t agree at all with that site or the method used to gather the data since it a breaking of the TOS and not right. It shouldn’t be available and we should have things in game like the shop yellow pages idea I pitched…

The focus should be on not bringing over solutions from other games. It should be about fixing the economy and creating one that works for Boundless. Clearly our economy needs work and a lot of fixing. But it will not be solved by an auction house. The problem will compound.

The yellow pages idea I posted and promoted would not include any prices. It was a very simple method to help people become aware of active shops and how to get there. Here is where I started a thread about it:

Price listing is bad and promotes a bad play style that this game does not need. Undercutting will always happen but you can either support it and encourage it with game functions or not. I am in the camp that says you do not “encourage or support” it.

Yes that is a way people would be taking advantage of it. So we can put systems in place to stop those things.

Solutions that worked for the most part from other games are allways a good idea. If Nothing else then to improve and built upon them, avoiding there mistakes.
Putting up items but no Prices is a bad idea. Might aswell not have a AH at all because not having Prices is deafeating the Purpose of time saving.


I am afraid I will have to agree with what has been said. Without prices it is useless to me as it still requires me to wander an unknown number of planets and finding an unknown number of stores to determine where the best price is. I might as well save the wasted time and make it myself and forget about helping the economy. Undercutting already happens. Look at the forums and discord where various players are advertising power coils at low prices.

Which is why an auction house works. If they have it in stock I can get it for the price listed. Not false advertising or wasting time trying to find a hidden sales stand and doing nothing but generating footfall for a store owner that really does not deserve it.


all that would happen is someone else would just create boundless trade 2.0 and we would be back where we started the yellow pages idea only fix’s a part of the problem and people would still need to waste hours looking at shops for the item they need the only diff is they know where the shops are rather then mindless wondering


An auction house or somewhat timely available products listing similar to would be the most ideal solution for me, a shopper. Malls have been a pretty good in-game solution, but even I grow tired of searching since my needs change from week to week

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PI am totally against an auction house in Boundless and I believe it would kill the game. Other MMO’s have quests and story to complete which this game doesn’t have.

As for footfall, I don’t understand why people see it as taboo. (And I don’t mean the co-op when I say this…) It’s not like the coin earned in footfall is taken from the explorer, so who cares. If my Oortian buttocks leaves you 80c just for being there, wtf cares? Every time someone stops playing they take coin out of the game, so the passive income is needed.

I also don’t see why you can’t treat ff as an additional supplemental income…

As for good shops… there are plenty out there and some have been around since the game has been released, or not long after…

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In my haste maybe I didn’t explain my point well enough. The point was about making sure that things that enter the game FIT the game play style. Boundless has a feel and game style and many of us want to support and encourage. Just blatantly moving other game systems into Boundless could be a concern to many people. It is about bringing the feature in and changing it to feel more Boundless in nature.

Maybe some people don’t want the “time saving” aspect and prefer the game to play out in a more discoverable scenario. That is why we don’t like auction houses and systems that give players everything in an instant fashion especially with it really isn’t helping game play at all.

Yeah we had the same counter discussion in other threads about this topic. I don’t see exploring as a waste of time. I don’t see it as a bad thing. What I am getting at is there are plenty of ways to improve and solve the problems without the simple boring cheap way of an auction house that lists prices. I don’t enjoy that game play and think it is bad for the game play and feel we should find better ways to solve our problems. I get others disagree but I have not seen any point that changes my opinion… I’m offering options while most just aren’t willing to create other ideas and just use a simple “auction house will solve it all” approach.

Nah that could be fixed and likely will be in the future. Just need to block people having access to that type of system and bring out a real API.

I don’t think people see it as taboo and instead hate how people play the game to achieve FF.

I just read your reply in another thread that you put 2 million coin in your request baskets for Umbris, etc… which I think is great btw that you have that to spend to the economy, but most players in the game have no where near that amount of coin to play with, so telling people they shouldn’t depend on some measly footfall, is really not fair.


its not so much i see it has taboo but more that it can’t be a sole reason why the AH cant be implemented the argument of “oh well it would hurt my shop cuz less people who visit it” i see has invalid if your shop is good then a system like a auction house would boost your sales and make FF irrelevant

FF shod be a boost for anything built in the game not the sole reason


But why should you care? It doesn’t come out of your coin… it’s not like you lose coin so who cares? I don’t like how people build for prestige but I’m not advocating for marble to be worth the same as sand… let people play how they wish… which in this case is in line with the game mechanics.


But footfall affects the design and usability of some builds to a large extent. Imo if a shop no longer has to invest in visibility (portals), they shouldn’t need footfall to survive. There are options to keeping shopping physical but still make it easier. Here’s a related thread if people haven’t voted there yet.


It has nothing about allowing people to play how they wish… of course people can play how they wish.

I care because of the mechanism and how it causes people to play. Same with prestige. Footfall and prestige both create certain game play styles that many of us do not like. People fail to see the conflict those systems create and the decisions and actions they cause. It is these results that are the problem and why the systems need to be fundamentally changed or completely removed.

This is why I’m against the auction house. People are failing to see the long term affect and overall game play decisions that will happen from adding that system to this game. They fail to find other solutions to solve the “problem” they feel exists. They really need to trouble shoot our problems better and solve for the root issue.

Some of us see the core issues and are pushing the developers to fix the fundamental problems of the game.

You did, as most of the times, explained very well your personal PoV.
Some People, who it concerns, are rather active Posting in this thread, you and me included apparantly.
What is the game style of bounbdless that it makes an AH invalid?
And i agree, making it fell boundless like is a good idea, if the practical use is not blocked, like with so many other Things “boundless style”.

And maybe some People want and Need the time saving a proper AH could provide? People with Family, Friends, Jobs Maybe? You want These to be left out?
And you are speaking for more then just you? I noticed that in other threads. Are you the official voice of the Dev Team?

I could quote half the thread, with ideas and alternatives, which you apparantly havent read or didnt wanted to read.
All i see in this Quote thou is your persona lopinion, which i respect, but i am not here to Change it nor can you Change mine :slight_smile:
The Option i see you offer is a inefficient and non colored Version of an AH, which in itself is made invalid as it would Need Prices displayed with coords and planet. Else we are at the beginning of the circle. Whichwould be you dont want an AH, like some others, and some others want a AH and even give alternatives how to establish it.

I am taking this one slightly out of context, my apologies.
Apparantly thou, you are hating how other People want to Play the game aswell as an AH with Prices is against your Vision of the game? Correct me if i am wrong.

(here is hope all quoting went well. I apologize for any wrong words and in no way is anything in here an attack on anybody. English aint my first language. Sorry)

and this is why i have not mentioned any alternatives the only things i could come up with would be AH’ish when we boil it down auction house it just a term used for “A thing that facilitates the buying and selling of assets, such as works of art and collectibles” we can change it to be a billboard style thing or whatever in the end if it buys and sells then its a auction house

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you can however take a page out of WoW and mod it to have the best of both worlds so say you create a new auction house stand you can then list items on there to sell now lets take WoW’s buy now and bid and mod it for boundless

you can have a 2 buy option’s(with 2 different price points) first one (default) where you eather place a bid(if we want to go that route) and wait the time to see if win the bid…route 2 would be a stright buy but with a convenience tax fee to help premote option 2(buy now) this method regardless of what method you picked for default(bid,mail buy) would tell you where the shop is and you can go there to buy the item now for what the shop keep could have listed has a lower price and without the convenience tax.

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