Crafting costs of new glass

Yea you’re probably right. A good session on one of those will be all i need. Maybe i’ll bite the bullet and just do it tonight or tomorrow. Time is the main factor, but i may be seeing a day off depending on how this hurricane hits tomorrow.

And yea another factor was maybe i should sell all my alloys while the market is hot and just make my glass when it cools down. Decisions decisions

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Profit today, complain tomorrow :joy:

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No, I was looking at mass not single. Just ignore me, I’m an idiot :rofl:

I agree the cost in time (50 minutes for a mass craft) and the amount of materials and spark is ridiculous.


Wow. . .so you are in the market for some alloy you say? :slight_smile:

Alloys for sale! Come get your shiny metals!

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There may be an increase initially but likely the cost will drop over time as more people see it as an opportunity to earn coin and the supply increases.

With marble it was more the time component as a function of expense versus the actual exchange of coin. It is much faster to process alloys.

Edit: investment might be a better word than cost or expense for marble versus ornate glass panes.

Well I was but Evergreen has changed my mind. So now i may overfarm and end up selling my leftovers :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

More needs to be considered than you (general you), the person who has no problem with all the work that goes into it and thinks it is fine. What about the person who doesn’t have the time to collect the sand and soil to make the glass? Doesn’t have the time to do the mining or needs the ores for other things, doesn’t have the time to do the work and wait for the glass panes to be made?

Now, due to health issues I have even less time to play, and what about those who work, have jobs and families, other commitments? When are they going to be considered; or is it go, well, they need to find other games that don’t take as much time.

Before, making things didn’t seem to take as much time for some things; generally lower levels. But, as you advance it takes longer and longer and more mats needed. Everything that has been added, farming for example, takes a lot of time. Why should we have to have lava, resin, water, soil, sand, growth and other beside plants. They grow fine in the wild in just soil,
And why so long in time for whatever is needed. Cooking food, 1 hour and I think 40 minutes for a mass craft of I think fortified butter for a mass craft. But we shouldn’t have to wait that long, busy work that creates irritation to the game.

Those who have the time or love the game so much that they will put up with anything don’t see the other side of the problem.

The lightening, I have night blindness, @james showed a image of what I see compared to what others see, and that was it, no changes in the lighting. I have to spend the nighttime either in the sanctum as I can’t see anything at night, dig a hole so the critters can’t kill me. Go to a level 6 planet and try to wander over the hills looking for mats and turn your whatever it is to being totally dark and see how you like trying to avoids spitters, cuttletrunks, hoppers and holes when you can’t see any of them.

This game is starting to lose any fun in it, Now, I have if I am lucky two hours, maybe, generally one hour a day that I can play, if I have to spend half of that time in the sanctum that half hour becomes 15 minutes, the hour half a hour. Now I have to go and gather a large amount of mats to make something that shouldn’t need that much and probably take a long time.

Frigging Busy Work that is ruining the game. And again, having me go is it worth the frustration I get when I can’t do what I want when I can’t see, have to spend more time gathering, have to use a large numbers of mats. Do I want to put up with all the time it takes it takes to put some nice windows in a base? Do I really want to have to spend half my time hiding or in the sanctum because I can’t see, should I HAVE to do that in a game?

Is the fun I have worth it, or getting to where I am sick and tired of it, fed up with the “I think it is fine” and not thinking well, for me it may be fine, but what about others?

Problem is, the ones who don’t think it is fine are leaving the game and saying I’m sick and tired of this ■■■■ and leaving those who don’t mind it and that is less players who will support the game and brag about how much fun, but instead of when asked go too much F’ing busy work, not worth it, don’t buy it.

Because, to be honest when asked how I feel about the game, I will be saying if you don’t mind a lot of busy work, then you will love it, if you don’t want to have to gather a lot of items to make something, wait two hours for it to be finish being made, don’t waste your money.

This game used to help me escape from the pain of my back, the stresses of life, now it is actually adding some stress in my life and has me wondering, do I want to wait and see if the devs realize what they are causing with the busy work and fix it or feel they don’t care and go I’m tired of it and quit.


Good news! Not that you’re an idiot, which im sure you’re not :laughing: but good that it costs less than you thought!

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Lots of people have started selling glass and soil/sand already at good prices :slight_smile:

I dont have a lot of time to play, but there is no rush in boundless.
Gather soil and silt for an hour one day… Stick it in the furnace… Collect the glass next time im on… Go mining for an hour one day and set the metals going in the furnace and so on.

Boundless isnt a race :slight_smile:

I think i fall into this catagory :rofl: i just love it too much! I love the complexity because when people see how much marble ive used or other fancy blocks etc they know that much work went into it


Thats an ambiguous term. What you call busy work (gathering all the mats and crafting times etc i assume) i find an enjoyable part of the game. Theres something satisfying about filling your inventory with masses of a single material or that timer finally reaching 0 :laughing:


Hmm, I see the problem somewhere completely different. This is asking to have EVERYTHING that is ingame easily available.

There is a ton of material to build with ingame that requires almost no effort to collect at all, when new high or mid level stuff is released, people start complaining about the costs.

The other side of the equation is do you need to have acess to everything easily to enjoy the game or do you enjoy the game for what it is. A crafting/building game that has a lot of material to work with?

Creative mode would be a good solution to solve that problem imo.

And the lighting definetly needs some work no argument about that.


This could be said about any thing. Glass is super easy to make, and there are places that sell it for cheap.

Certain items should get more difficult as you progress. I don’t expect things to get easier or stay stale.

Though on crafting times, maybe we should be able to use something to shorten times. Maybe a new type of spark generator, or use the combustive particle for speeding things up.

You could carry a gleam block, gem torch, a tool equipped with the glow boon, or the glow epic to help with your immediate lighting.

Edit: I do irl stuff too. Everyone does. We just find the time to gather, and decide what we want to do.


I do this too :smiley: plus it’s nice to reap what you made when you come back


Me too. I sometimes have 3 days in a row nothing else than preparing mats for a building phase, I love to see the stuff pile up for the big day where building continues~


yeah I hate this response and you are not the only one to use it so I apologize up front. It may not be a race, but I do not need it to be an iron man marathon where due to the amount of time I can play in a week it will take me 6 months to get enough panes to finish a build.


I dont get very much time. An hour a day on a good day and usually not every day. And the odd day where i get a fair few hours. Each to their own opinion and no offence taken at all :slight_smile:
You must have very very little time or plans for enormous builds for it to take 6 months though!

The plain panes are really quite cheap (144 glass and 72 gleam) and a mass craft of 50 only takes 23mins

And not everyone has to use marble :wink:

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Sorry but a mass craft takes 50 minutes without coils. I have been making them for the past few days so I am pretty sure about that. I will disagree that this is cheap but that is my opinion.


Glass is easy to make. I honestly think this is one of the more reasonable recipes they’ve released. I’m happy with the ratios on these


Ah yeah having a fully powered machine helps.
we shall agree to disagree :slight_smile: aoe shovels and silt/sand farms are a glass makers best friend though. Its super quick to gather that way if you have the right skill points