Crafting costs of new glass

Does anyone else think the amount of mats needed to craft new glass is ridiculous? The glass needed alone is way too high.


Whats the recipe? Ive not even looked yet!

Glass becomes actually more viable now to sell.
Thats a big plus.

I think amount is fine… its 200 something if i remember right with mass?


Costs are fine in my opinion.


200 glass blocks to make one glass pane makes no sense to me.

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How many panes from a mass craft?

Doesn’t sound as scary as i expected

Can’t remember all but over 200 glass blocks to make one glass pane seems a lot. Guess im going to have to mine a ton of silt and sand

200 for a single craft?

This is from testing but i rly doubt its 200 for single lol


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Yes and no. Mass craft is 144 glass for plain, 216 for stylish, 432 for ornate on top of the gleam/metals you need. I say yes because on a large scale it’s very grindy and craft times can get lengthy. Personally i could grind out what i need in a day if i really wanted but i would hate every regen bombing moment of it.

But then again no because this game is seemingly based around the economy and trying to stabilize it (insert rant here about implementing some form of shop item index to find items easier).

At the end of the day nothing beats trying to mass produce marble/mosaic/wicker…yet. So i would call this a medium tier recipe.


If you’re mass crafting the ratios are

Plain pane
2.88 glass each

Stylish pane
4.32 glass each

Ornate pane
8.64 glass each

Not too bad?


Im mostly bitter because i wanted to use ornate for my build but that would require roughly 23,616 precious alloy :face_vomiting::joy:

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Didn’t even notice it requires metals too, but uh yeah if you want thousands of ornate panes it can get crazy :smiley:

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The precious alloy required for the ornate glass panes are my biggest concerns, to be honest. ^^
Buuuut I guess it’s fair enough, so I won’t complain.


FWIW a cheapy forge hammer will get you a good chunk of that alloy for pennies on what you would pay for it, as demand for those metals is pretty high due to the wide range of uses precious alloys have.

But you’re sacrificing your build time for mat grinding time. There’s a huge difference in the price of gathering it yourself and buying it.

Imo 4 hammers/sessions should get you close to what you need. 3 on maybe altinans or cardass and 1 on Houchus for iron.

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I think the biggest complaint will not be the material cost because it really is negligible compared to something like marble, which is widely used. I think the biggest complaint will turn out to be that glass panes are currently meshes and these big builds are going to hit a wall quickly.


Just ignore me, I looked at mass and thought it was single pane. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


But the raw ingredients for ornate panes are about 3x more expensive than marble o.O



Yes exactly. Alloy is the pricey part if you’re buying it and not making it yourself. There is definitely a strong metals market right now. Imo gem prices will fall more and metals will go up, its the trend I’ve been seeing.