Crafting recipes and skills Chart

So I was thinking about being a crafter and woodcutter in game, with any remaining skill points spent in building related skills.

I decided to make an easy to comprehend chart, which with at first glance you’ll be able to quickly decide which skill to unlock next. I decided to use @Stretchious awesome site ( to grab all the skills and what it unlocks. Curiously enough there’s some recipes that can be made without the need for an skill.

So before I start rambling any further, I was of two approaches toward it.

  • Way you craft it Basically will expand the chart upon which machine or way are you crafting it, hand crafting, crafting table, workbench, furnace, etc

  • Material development Basically will expand the chart upon the natural progression of materials, wood to timber, rocks to stone, to refined rock, to decorative rock or brick, copper, etc.

Any opinions on what approach will be best, will be appreciated, I will also post the chart in here when finished, and it would be nice if someone with more skills than me, could improve upon it.


This is just a preview and a work in progress, but this is basically the idea.


can anyone tell me what skill i need to be able to extract oort crystals as i need to keep my portal powered

advanced item recipes

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thats great thank you

You can also lookup items you want to craft here - - which will show you the skill prerequisites you need to unlock things

shameless plug :wink:


i just found it thank you :slight_smile:

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After some data mining from @Spoygg I’ve corrected some information

This is what I’ve come up so far with.

After some comments, I decided to “simplify it” I’m not completely satisfied with it, but hope it helps somehow.


Changed the chart to correspond with the skill change.