Crafting Times Reminder

Sorry for the multi-posting but there’s a bit of actual input to catch up on here. Actual stuff.

The other game I sometimes hint at, that was pretty much the only game I was playing from 2009 'til 2018 is Entropia Universe. It’s not going to be attractive to many boundless players I’m not recommending it. But if people want to look into such a system it’s worth mentioning as really even trying to describe the fullness of it would be a flood here.

The game has over 200 “skills” that combine into a very large number of “professions”. Pretty much any time you do or touch anything outside of your own inventory, you may skill up in one or more skills. And depending on your skill levels, you may advance in various professions.

It’s intense. This game has no crafting timers. What it does have is a currently (I believe) 13-level crafting system with multiple sub-professions and specialties - and a crafting machine with an RNG chance of success on each craft.

Literally insane. For people who don’t look deeply into it, their crafting system is basically considered as just being a slot machine. It doesn’t help that it has one of the most aggressive (and long-term) “real cash economies” on line and so people actually have cash on the line. And this thing will eat you up.

Imagine that you have money that you could actually just withdraw and put back in your wallet. You have a limited blueprint with a few clicks on it. And you have, hmmm, a 75% chance of success because you are in fact an expert in this craft :thinking:


Nah you lost your stuff. Try again?

Even the forge is a pleasure in comparison, TBH.


There’s clearly a middle ground between 3 IRL days to mass craft a bunch of coal and instantaneous slot machine crafting. I think reducing the crafting times dramatically over the course of some progression system would be sufficient.


I think the progression is already there with the coils, just increase the amount of bonus each coil gives.

I’m sure you’re right, overall. Wouldn’t want to do anything drastic :clown_face:

However it seems like that way (adding another layer of progression) is definitely a matter of increasing the RPG layers that seem to frustrate so many new players interested in the building and other systems. This would provide some relief for the current end-game players who don’t like to keep crafting as the major focus of their gameplay. I think that’s maybe a little counter productive for the actual growth of the game, though.

I suppose someone could try a sort of “therapeutic” method.

  • Remove all of your coils (down to three I think)
  • Mass craft a full queue of compressed hard coal, or maybe large fossil extractions.
  • Add a coil, just one
  • Full queue again
  • Repeat cycle

Mid 2024 or so, when you achieve full coils again, those fully coiled machines are going to seem pretty fast :rofl:

So honestly I feel like I’ve been pretty clear on the actual topic here. It seems kind of futile but at this time I think (obviously) that messing around in this area is probably actually a good idea. I’d hate to see crafting gutted from the game at one level - but it really could be instrumental in changing the way causal and creative types interact with the larger game, as well as really opening the door wider for people that want to participate, but consider themselves first and foremost to be builders, and are currently really thwarted here.

Or relegated to creative, which is fine if it’s someone purely building for themselves, I guess. But honestly, that doesn’t seem to have really been an answer.

OFC just managing people’s expectations a little more directly from the beginning would be enough to solve a lot of friction :man_shrugging:


Coils could just be percentage based. Raise the percentage of bonus by 50% maybe or something. Shouldn’t be super hard and fixes it across the board.

That’s a link to another thread with a bunch off rambling, but they’ll have to consider a rebalance in some depth to do that effectively.

If it still requires a large space, a ton of end-game gear, and a mass number of machines in a repeating load-queue-wait-unload cycle it will be a ton of dev work for very little actual result.

Obviously (I think) there’s a ton of nuance here. Definitely not to belittle anyone’s thoughts but IMO ‘timers’ are not actually a very isolated issue. In a game where character progression is tied very tightly to your ability to influence (plot) the worlds it’s non-trivial.

IDK how much value there is in spending a ton of time trying to outline a proper solution though :rofl:

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I’d agree, a lot of people don’t realize how much one small change in a very large system tied to an economy can have.


Let us triple compact our advanced power coils for faster speeds. 50 advanced power coils --> 1 compact advanced power coil ; 50 compact advanced power coils --> 1 densely compact power coil ; 50 densely compact power coils --> 1 quantum power coil. Or 3 MILLION advanced power coils for a fully powered machine that converts hours to seconds.

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I mean it’s not like there’s so many coils just laying around, right?

Let’s do this thing :rocket:

You have to fill the machines up with something to gain XP. The timers are not stopping anyone from using crafting to power level. People who want to do that just get more machines.

In some ways, the timers encourage that plotting whole worlds sort of behavior. If you have thousands of machines, you have to put them somewhere, and they cannot be stacked vertically. People’s bases just grow and grow and grow to hold all the machines.

Its the people who don’t want 90 bazillion machines who have this issue. I like my workshop the size it is now. I’ve got about 100 machines, and I don’t really want any more.

If we are going to balance the game around people with 10k hours of playtime, that is going to and already is causing its own issues.


I know I type a lot lol. It’s for me as much as anyone else tbh.

Etc … but yeah honestly I think we’re on the same page here. Overall.

The difference between standing at one machine and grinding through your entire inventory vs needing to move around among tens of machines etc … is definitely an area that highlights the difference between and end-game player trying to shave off some annoyance, and a change of direction that really impacts the way new (and old, but mainly new) players will see their possible future with the game.

I would 100% not (and I’ve argued against this before) suggest that even 1 second of “dev time” should be spent considering the range of changes needed to reasonably re-develop the crafting system around further incremental reductions to appease a few (honestly crybaby) late game players.

IMO the easiest way to rebalance around it is to simply remove most of it. And while that’s something that would be a HUGE shock to the current ecosystem - it’s also something that could drastically improve the way that the target demographic approaches the game.

Yeah there’s plenty of posts on this forum of me saying that’s a silly waste of time. Even if a good part of it is buried under a lot of extra verbiage :rofl:

EDIT: After some thought, I just want to add that you won’t find many say, 5k+ hours players out here complaining about the basics of the game, or it’s mechanics.

Some participate more or less in the conversations about the direction of the game. Some would prefer to see more expansion while some would like to see more focus on the late game specifically. It’s not common to see one of them just ranting on about “how the game sucks”.

There’s a point where someone has done a lot and they just want to be left alone to focus on the thing. Whatever the thing is. It’s understandable but it’s also like the gem-wall, or any other mid-game slump. The people that have spent literal years in the game have found their own ways to deal with it.

Excessive hours/levels are not necessarily critical because by the time you’ve put in a couple hundred hours and filled up a skill page or two, you’ve definitely had a chance to take a good look at the parts of the game that interest you.

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Oh, I was referring to the comments about people breaking the economy and whatnot. To have enough materials to single handedly break the economy because crafting timers were removed, you would have to have a lot of hours in the game. At least I assume you would. I certainly don’t have enough spare materials laying around to break things, and I haven’t got the coins to buy them to break it either. Maybe other people are just much better hoarders than I am, though.


Yeah I think this mostly just means “what I’ve been doing won’t work any more” :stuck_out_tongue:


It won’t break the economy it just devalues items. If everyone can craft 5mil compact hard coal instantly or say 99% faster the value of it decreases and that goes along with every other item that the timers would affect. That doesn’t break the economy either it just changes its landscape.

Some people who would rely on selling items in shops to make coin in game would then find they would have to sell their items for way less just to turn a profit since they would be more readily available.

A prime example for me, I make so much concrete that at times when I get a bulk order, I’ll burst through kindling like there is no tomorrow. While I do have a HUGE kindling farm, I do find that I may have to buy it from time to time, if it was something that was actually crafted with almost no timers, I would have no need to buy it. Thus, it affects the economy so the people that I buy it from wouldn’t make any coin or as much.

EDIT: I also may buy kindling because I’m just lazy sometimes. :slight_smile:

I know you weren’t speaking specifically to me, but I don’t want to see development done on the timers as I don’t think that if they removed them or dramatically reduced them that it would draw in more players or retain more.

This is why most games push out content much faster than fixing non-game-breaking bugs. More content would bring more players in and retain more players, but that NPE may not be game-breaking, but it is enough to frustrate a new player to the point they want to quit. I have seen it happen to 30 or so people now. Game breaking? Nah… but damn is it something that would really help new players stick around.

The timers wouldn’t affect me either way, I’m in no rush. Most people won’t be either, unless they need coin, which would be harder to come by due to a devalue in all items.

All good. Moving on.

While I agree that reducing crafting times dramatically or removing them altogether would devalue items, I am confident it would be negligible. I think you’re dramatically overvaluing crafting times as impetus to enter the marketplace instead of the primary impetus which is simply the gathering process for the materials. I consider the latter the primary and overwhelming reason people buy things instead of making them themselves.

I don’t think that if they removed them or dramatically reduced them that it would draw in more players or retain more

I am 100% confident it would do exactly the latter part. I can know this because I personally know of several people who either paused or completely left the game in large part because of the arbitrary blockade that is crafting timers.


At this point, almost better to make a Boundless 2 at this point.

I think this topic has overstayed it’s welcome at least for me. I’ll semi-graciously bow out now.

People keep stating the same things here.

There is nothing wrong with the crafting timers. Plan your crafting better or let somebody else do it.
All the other suggestions were made already.

There are far more other urgent things to look at by the DEVs than adjusting crafting timers.

I will repeat this message again and again if people state the same thing over and over again in this topic.

So please stop complaining about crafting timers or contact the DEVs directly !
(Your complaint is clear by now Dhusk)


All good. We’ll just keep up a terrible NPE then I guess.

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The thread wanders a bit, it’s probably fine.

Main reason being when this thread dies, we’ll have another in 10 - 14 days :smirk: