@majorvex Major and I had a convo long ago about pre plotted cities with rules
Like, anyone can claim a road spot but have to build a road. Anyone can build a house in a pre sized plot 2x2 3x3 4x4 etc. and the city manager just sets up the grid, people can free plot within set rules.
Could have shopping vs residential districts.
If done right could be a game changer
I’ll be pushing for this in Endless for sure. @DragonTamer
Had these discussion too. I always thought it would have been nice to have different types of beacons like Guild Beacons, Mall Beacons, etc. Those beacons could be what you call “zones”. They could have a progression mechanic attached to them to help incentivize their use.
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Have the crafting times reduce with level up capped at -75%.
Every 10 levels have the crafting time reduce by 5%, requiring level 150 to achieve the maximum reduction.
Percentages can be played with to get desired effect. But I like the idea of it changing every ten levels, gives a perception of progression after hitting max level for skill points.