Crate opening xD


Rip, the video is unavailable :stuck_out_tongue:


is it working now?

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Yup :slight_smile:


That’s awesome! Real rpg vibe


Its a satisfying and fun animation, I like it. Props to the devs for the awesome work!

This doesn’t mean we will have anything available only in lockboxes though right? I get that lockboxes are likely, but I’m very much not a fan of lockbox only content of any kind.

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no ide what that is :slight_smile:

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Lootboxes are usually RNG based rewards purchasable for real money. With a bunch of different drops in them.
The user usually seek to unlock an item the lootbox can drop. But have to buy a bunch of them and gamble until he gets what he is after.
It’s a now popular mechanic greedy game studios use to suck money out of people.
I believe there was recent laws within the EU to stop this practices. I’m not really aware of the latest news on this.
Lootbox opening video are something that have been going on on youtube. And well your video is a lootbox opening video. Except those lootboxes didn’t get blessed by RNGesus.


ahh yea I get it now :slight_smile:

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Yeah, it has all the right queues for compulsion loop, though it’s nicely done, given recent issues with lootboxes I think it would be better to employ some other way of giving rewards to player. I’m having total trust in devs that this will never be used as gambling machine, but it just gives of that vibe and to those who were burned by such mechanics it might be a breaking point.

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