Creative Worlds Tools

Hello all!

So I thought of creating a new house prototype (because who is eternally satisfied with their base in BL?). Creative worlds quickly came to my mind as a quick, easy, and cheap way of doing so until I recalled the real time investment I have to make - which is one of the reasons I stopped building my current base until I know if I want to continue with it.

So my suggestion is: Can we have more tools that make building easier and less time consuming in creative worlds… things like:
1- Remove plotted land / flatten plotted land to help remove land mass quickly.
2- Remove plotted water areas.
3- Plant grass/kindling/etc in entire highlighted area.

I would’ve suggested a block-laying mechanism too like 3x3 or something but I know building can be more complex so maybe that can remain as it is for now?

This is all I can think of quickly. I am sure the community can suggest other time-consuming simple activities (simple as in the activity has no advanced patterns - only remove all, plant all, etc).

4- Block count/color. This will be especially helpful if you are trying to replicate a structure in live universe and you want to know exactly how many blocks and which colors you need.
5- Unlimited skill page. Why is the skill page even limited to a 100 points? It’s creative bruh xD.


A selection tool would be amazing, being able to use it to select an area in a 3-dimensional space, then flood-fill that 3-dimensional space with a specific block.

This would be extremely useful if a set of tools similar to what’s showcased in the video here can be added to the arsenal of users on Creative Worlds.


100%. This would make building in creative so much nicer.


Yup this would be great.


/replace 98 98:0,98:0,98:1,98:2
instead of placing the mossy and cracked bricks manually… good times


Everything aside, I am thankful for BL. Never could play minecraft due to the eyesore graphics.

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