Cross game skins/paints

Isn’t square enix involved with the game? Anyway we can have “special skins/paints” or masks or something that has to do with their other games? I’d gladly pay for a goofy hat or Mickey ears or something. Even FF inspired paint or headgear


Wow Disney IP?

One thing is for sure, it would definitely add to the number of people who notice the game!

This is an interesting idea overall, especially considering the lack of canon lore for Boundless. There’s nothing to cause too much complaint over the items “not fitting” into the oortian universe.

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Right? That’s what I was thinking. FF14 players may try the game if we had cross cosmetics with each other. FF14 players are used to the grind aspect of games. (Like I was when I started playing boundless)

Sadly, Square isn’t involved other than the publishing through their indie program they’ve got, as far as I recall.
I’d love to get a FFXIV Fat Cat Mask though.

Yeah true. Still “under” the umbrella so should be able to make something happen :slight_smile: I’d be happy with a dragoon headgear inspired mask

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