Crystal/Gem Torch - Think about it Devs!

to resolve the issue of “will we have to turn off torches underwater?” “will the torches go back lit when out of water?” i bring you the crystal torch. its the same design as the torch you guys have right now but with only a glowing gem/crystal with the same colors as the flame. think of it like one of those lava lamps but that gives good lighting. i think it would solve some issues on coding and animation and also would make it a little unique. also a “lava lamp on a crystal/gem that gives good lighting” fits way better the rest of the torch . because it isnt a wood stick it looks like an ancient technology which i think you guys are aiming for because of those ancient guys (the oort? cant remember if this is the right name).

another thing that you guys - devs - need to think about it is that a torch is a think you will have to have around a LOT and that makes part of the marketing of the game. having it being lit on the hand too will differentiate from other sandbox survival games but also having this Crystal/Gem thing that can also be lit underwater because the “light essense” is inside of the crystal. Just imagine, in the next trailer you could have that torch used in a giant cave or like you are arriving an island in the night, whatever - people would be like “damn! great game! i want to go on those adventures with that cool torch!” im not saying you guys are not good with advertising, not at all, who am i to say that? i was totally hypnotised with your trailer from PSX France or whatever.

I’m just suggesting this torch which would be good/easier mechanically, visually and for marketing. what does the comunity think about this» you guys aggree? and Devs, whats up? :smiley:


so basically a Gleam torch?


No flame animation required.
No buggy underwater burning.
Something unique instead of the generic torch that is featured in 99% of games.
No downsides?

This is definitely the best suggestion I´ve read in a while. Love it :heart_eyes:


I love this idea, they could have it so the color gleam you use to craft the torch is the color light you’ll get.


Yeah, upvote from me as well.


Is this not just gleam in general? It gives off light. It can be placed under water. You can carry it and it still illuminates. I’m confused!

Or were you thinking of a prop as opposed to a block?

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True, but you can’t walk or see through a gleam block.

You can’t see through a torch either :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Lol, you know what I mean.

The suggestion is basically to replace the head of the current torch model with something “gleamish”.

yup, basically instead of a flame you would have a glowing rock at the end of a stick. I think it would make it more unique.


Ah yeah I see what you mean now - yeah I like that idea - maybe make it a little more stylish though. i.e. not a round ball on a stick. Images of the PlayStation wand controller and redstone torches come to mind lol

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I was thinking something like this at the end of a stick. Maybe a little less pointy.


Like this?

(pic not by me)


Such credditings of the artist :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah sorry. Forgot bout that :stuck_out_tongue:
It’s by this guy

I don’t really think doing creddits in these cases are supper important, but I though it was a bit funny becasue it looked a much like the start to credditting an artist and then ended out like. “Well I dind’t make it” :smiley:

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Yes, that’s perfect.

kind of like SilentSpecter up from you

that was what i was imagining, exactly! but only 1 of those and not that whole mess. maybe both