Cubit Balance Issue

Gleam mining and door crafting :slight_smile:

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*runs off

Wild. I hope this is just some strange bug that gets solved soon.
The cubit balance, not the doors.

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Yes each time.

He was mining metals on Xindus…

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On multiple chars? Nah

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The coffers I opened on the 4th were accumulated over a couple of weeks.

I didn’t play my miner much through the halloween event, but two days ago I started mining silver on Xindus. I opened what I had collected between the 4th and the 12th at the end of my session on the 12th.

Then yesterday I mined all day. Mostly silver seams. So that last pic was the result of roughly 8 to 10 hours of mining, tons of precious metal seams and whatever else on a T6.

Pics of (most of) the output:

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Those aren’t very many cubits in the pics from my other characters.

But yes actually the chests opened on the 12th in the OP included chests from the gleam mining session I covered in another thread.


This is why I’m glad as soon as I get a coffer I open it


Well I know him pretty well by now, lol, and I know for a fact that he doesn’t do the gleam mining and crafting doors thing for this much XP, not even on a single char!

He does, however, save his coffers for days or weeks even and then opens them.

And I know that yesterday he had been mining most of his waking hours!
Crazy how he can do that, at times I’m jealous at that, I get bored way too easily with such things even tho I do like mining!


Yeah, I was savvy on that. Stay on it while you can! :slight_smile:


The pics above are from:

Nov 3, 10:52 PM MST
Nov 12, 2:36 AM MST
Nov 13, 2:55 AM MST

@vdragon Several times on my miner I’ve opened a ton of chests with “collect all”. Is this something I should avoid?

The only time I don’t use that feature with a bunch of chests is when I’m curious about what the non-level related rewards are.

pretty sure they have a system to cut off xp from previous days so you cant roll it over to the next day. happened to me early on when i tried to take advantage of daily xp with an alt i dont use much.

im sure this is a matter of multiple anti-cheating systems tied together and you’ll just need to prove it to the devs

You mean like, if you get a chest on wednesday, you can’t open it on thursday?

That doesn’t even make sense. I hope I’m misunderstanding you and I’m fairly certain it doesn’t work that way. Also that would be the worst argument for this collection system EVER :confused:

On a day of solid mining like that, you’d be talking about something like 40 minutes or so of just stopping to open coffers. At least, there were 90 ish coffers there watching that animation 90 times would literally be a good chunk of the day lol.

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If it’s not possible or no system exists to parse this data to protect the player, then idk why I’m still playing tbh. I need it proven to me that I’m not being scammed when I open multiple Umbris coffers

I am peeved now, but not at you guys. I know it might sound that way :sweat_smile:


I used to mine an incredible amount. As in bring 9-18 hammers with pres pies and don’t stop till they are broken. After every time I leveled I would open the coffer. But wasting time on a pie and brews never bothered me. But I’ve never been broke so there’s that.

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Bloody hell, I’m lucky to get one coffer per 30 minutes of mining. ø_ø;;;

Yes this leaves me questioning as well. I’m not angry but even if they go look at these 3 specific events, this isn’t the first time or the only character where I’ve opened several days worth of coffers at once.

Yeah it’s not the coin it’s the interruption… To be honest I was surprised at the end of the day, after a while I quit really even noticing the level up announcement.

I like to open a ton of chests at once :joy:

Might have to stop though I guess.

With mega speeds and AoE?

Also that planet was fairly heavy in precious metals, different seams give different XP I think.

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I’ve been going to Alnitans for silver/gold tbh. I wish I’d known that exo had so much, in time to get there. Haven’t been on much in the last few days.
Without speed pots, though using a topaz AoE hammer.

It’s probably comparable to me using diamonds with megas, for speed. I’m not sure if there’s a difference between general block experience on t5/t6.

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