Curious question about builds regenerating along with the landscape

Isn’t this the opposite philosophy that Boundless follows? Aren’t they more…as hands off as possible and everything is created by the player? Boundless can still create ancient oortian ruins. I was talking about player ruins.

When/if we get dungeons & blue prints, it’s already being discussed about those being player made.

We don’t know this & this is up to each player as to what they think about it. A pile of refined gleam & stone might make a noob’s day. The rest of us would ignore it or regen it, just like we do now. Something useless to you might be a goldmine for a newer player.

Ruins = no longer has a beacon = belongs to no one = no one is earning ff from it. You wouldn’t earn ff from it unless you beaconed it and did something to bring in other players…same as now. One huge complaint is “I built this amazing thing and don’t get any footfall or traffic” … so I think that theory doesn’t float. Having a bunch of blocks or a cute house doesn’t = ff.

If you can toss a regen bomb on it and refresh it = not permanent.

I’m not trying to cause a back and forth on specific points but I really wanted to isolate certain areas of the discussion…

Yes in the true nature of a sandbox they should be but I really still stand on holding the Developers responsible for the solution and not players. The builds you are talking about are left over player buildings because someone quit the game basically. That should be removed because the player left and the area should be refreshed back so people can use it.

The builds we are talking about are not dungeons or intentional ruins. So that is what I mean by you looking in the wrong area. I think we need to hold the developers accountable on creating the functional components and framework so players can make dungeons and ruins and things that hold treasure. Then open it up to the player base on how that is used in the game whether it be submissions that are put into planets or whether it is just plotted areas that contain the stuff we are talking about.

Overall I just think we are talking apples and oranges here and trying to develop and provide content by using a method that already is around but technically cannot support the need. So “development and coding” will still need to happen at some level – why not put it into a new functional toolset that provides even more features to the game.

non-important was a general term. We all have clearly seen how unplotted builds are handled in this game. They are gutted quickly or taken over until they are picked clean or some mad at the world child or troll comes by to regen the build in front of people. We see the holes that are left from the vultures… None of this will change in any way with the feature you are asking about in the state of design you are presenting here.

We need to morph the good intentioned and great idea you have into a functional game mechanic that opens up possibility and is not linked to one of the worst situations in the game – someone forgot to fuel a beacon or quit. Shift the discussion from taking a build where someone quit the game and move it into what a dungeon and ruin treasure asset solution would look like from scratch.

Any build that was worth anything would be immediately plotted by someone. That is how this game works. The only reason we aren’t filled up with builds everywhere is because thank God regen did come in and remove it before someone noticed… Any other build would be turned into an utter mess and we would have holes everywhere until someone went postal and finally did a regen.

Look at how bad the world was when we had people using chisels on unplotted land… people didn’t care how the game looked. Most people do not think twice about how their build looks to another person or if their huge pixel art or gleam tower ruined another view, etc. Each person wants to do their own thing and play the game they want… I can respect that but it can leave huge issues behind it.

And if FF didn’t matter then why do I see tons of people saving builds and cities and all these things all over the place that are clearly dead areas? Because either the person wants to create some interest for FF or have plots to burn until FF comes or because they loved the build and wanted it to stay. If people didn’t care about those 3 things they would remove the build… but I see more people keep builds than remove them.

The point I make holds water because if people didn’t care then the old PS Biitula hub area would clear out… but it does not because people want that little bit of FF and refuse to leave a completely DEAD area or because they cannot let their build die even if they never really use it.

I get the point but it isn’t contextualized correctly. In your design it IS permanent until someone does toss the bomb. So you are waiting and hoping someone will at some point clear out that huge ugly hole that has no more blocks because everyone cleared out everything.

This doesn’t even get into the technical requirements of the Developers having to create a secondary Plot system that has to take over the player build because Regen isn’t able to distinguish player from non-player blocks… I don’t know the specifics and just spitballing here… but something doesn’t allow it now so it would require work to fix that and somehow show the difference between natural and player blocks.

People leave builds and do other stuff everyday. Some have quit or are taking a break. That’s already part of the game. The stuff already regens back to dirt in hours or someone regens it quicker themselves. Player ruins wouldn’t prevent people from using the area, just as they don’t now.

Yes, they are player ruins, just as we have now. I’m not looking in the wrong place - that would be an opinion, not a fact. The devs are creating things for the game. Like I said, this would have nothing to do with game-generated ruins. People enjoy creating content for games they like. Why wouldn’t Boundless allow player-created content in the future (such as dungeons and blueprints)

? I’m just talking about taking the 4 hour timer off player creations. That is all. I never said stop development & progress.

This is what happens now. Everyday.


This is your opinion and not very nice. Just because some people like pixelart or shiny gleam, doesn’t make their builds ugly.

From what I’ve seen, people mostly save other builds bc they belonged to friends & they hate to see all of their hard work/memories go down the drain. Others save and reuse them. You don’t get any FF just because you beacon something. There are a lot of large beautiful builds that serve no purpose besides being eye candy or being that awesome thing that someone really wanted to build. Not everything is built for FF.

TBH, this is just mean. They wanted to save/use it for whatever reason, that’s up to them. It doesn’t hurt you or anyone else.

As it is now, some people beacon those and they are super permanent. I don’t wait for anything. If I want to regen something, and it’s not beaconed, I do it.

If it’s not feasible or if the devs aren’t interested, that’s fine. It’s just an idea that I threw out there. It’s not DEFCON ONE. No biggie.


You’re right about not everything is built for footfall but even if it was it doesn’t hurt a single player. If you have no bad intentions towards anyone and you put effort into a build, whatever it may look like or where ever it is that’s how the game was designed to be.

Love the idea of ruins.


I think we both want the same thing but are looking at it from different directions. You want existing “left” player stuff to provide that (at least initially) and I want a newer toolset game function to provide that while the “left” player stuff just goes away.

I did not mean you said to stop development. I meant that development is going to have to happen no matter what. So I feel it was better to put it into a whole toolset and framework for a bigger answer to your request than just the simple “taking the 4 hour timer off.” Why?

You have to look at the key issue is you are asking for them to find a way to manage the “placed blocks” after a player beacon is removed. This area likely will open up a lot of other questions and concerns and design needs.

As I understand (and I certainly do not have all the technical details) this is not just a “uncheck the timer” thing. You are going into the regen engine which is complex. Also you are now allowing player blocks to be placed anywhere and that they would become permanent and never regen.

We can certainly ask a developer to weigh in on the complexity (or maybe simplicity) of this change or I have no problem asking for more details during my next call if they don’t respond.

Yes it does but there is a system in place that removes and refreshes this area automatically. It does not require another person to come in. It also doesn’t change the design of the game in how regen works or create the additional build noise that will be a result of this. It is best for the game to keep holes and left over builds and stuff everywhere versus a cleaned up landscape?

Again I am not against the idea of player ruins or dungeons or anything. I am against the key point of letting builds people unplotted staying around.

Let’s please be very clear here… I did not call any person’s build ugly. I called a hole ugly but not a build. I am fine if people like pixel art or if people love gleam towers or a build that flashes all over the place or is not done or right next to me and never ever used as anything but a footfall collection. I respect and support their right to build it 100% but that doesn’t mean I can’t wish it wasn’t done. I respect their rights but they have to respect mine.

We should also not go into the area of “being nice” because I can easily say it is not nice to ruin a persons view of the Boundless landscape with a build. That is clearly subjective in nature and does nothing to move the conversation forward.

The reality is this… the person that wants more landscape and less dead builds will push hard for not allowing more builds to just stay around or want to have to take the time using a regen bomb especially when we have a game system that works fine.

This is another subjective thing because we could easily argue how it is mean with what they are doing and cleaning up the area they they have clearly left. Additionally I was not attacking or degrading anyone directly. I was making an observation to prove a point. The point still stands that because of FF and people not wanting to either let builds go or have some minimal reason for their builds things will never empty out in this game.

For me it is a biggie because I don’t like or want dead cities any more. So I push back on things that I think enable that.

But, I also think it is a big deal because your overall intent (the way I see it) brings to light a big emptiness we do have in this game around “ruins” and stuff like that. I think it is a huge miss by the Dev teams and people like you bringing it to light is important. We need the content… I want something like the system but just not linked to builds that someone left especially in a more “permanent” way.

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Um NO. I want the big dev-made stuff that they have been working on just as much as anyone. I never said I want a bunch of stuff that was left & that’s it - I just want them to consider removing the auto regen on builds. Yes, I think being able to explore player ruins would be fun. You don’t. That’s cool.

I think you are making this sound more difficult than it is. :star::star::star: How about the naturally generated refined meta blocks & bricks that form by themselves already on some T6 planets? How does the game know those weren’t left by a player? Everything left behind would be treated the same as these items. Those items are fun to find…they don’t break the whole game. :star::star::star:

I have no problem asking them myself. I don’t need you to “talk to them” for me.


Why should they have to “let their builds go” if they don’t want to? Sounds like you want the game to change to your own ideals. And someone’s “minimal reason” to you, might be an important thing to them.

We have them now. People plot them and leave them. It doesn’t bug me at all. I like seeing what other people have built, regardless of purpose or scale.

If you want nothing but pre-fab builds, try Portal Knights. They have a bunch. It’s boring and they all look the same.


These are part of specific “pre-fabs” that are inserted in the world generation process. I don’t know any specifics, but my guess is that the server “knows” (very loose interpretation of the word) they aren’t left by a player because they are simply part of the “original” version of the world before any beacons/plots come into play.

Somewhat related, there are many pre-fab structures that aren’t really quite as common now as they were in pre-release, and some that aren’t even in use any more, such as a tree pre-fab that had decorative rock, compact soil AND gleam lanterns, which would all regen (this was before regen bombs existed) and could be farmed over time.

I wonder if it considers them a different object, if they have different ID info, etc.

When a beacon goes out, the ownership info is removed so I’d assume any block ID info is gone at that point.

Not to dismiss your point, as it could potentially be valid and it simply be a case of us not being able to see evidence of it, but debug has nothing that would point in that direction – in addition, from a design/efficiency point of view, it probably doesn’t make sense to have that extra piece of data attached to individual blocks in a chunk, since the plot system already does handle whether something is “player” or “not player”.

In which direction? I’m not sure what you mean.

To my knowledge, debug shows no info that would indicate that individual objects/blocks have any data attached to them related to ownership.

As far as I can see, ownership makes more sense to only exist at a plot-based level, in terms of minimising redundant data and minimising the required amount of checks each time a player interacts with a block in the world.

But, in all honesty, only a dev can really clarify how it will be working on the technical side, I would think. I am only making some assumptions based on what could make sense.

Edit: Plus, I’m not really taking into account how locks and advanced locks might interact with this either.

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It may be hidden. It seems there would be ID info on the blocks to prevent other players from taking them, unless that’s all handled by the beacon system. Forged items have the player’s name and only GC members can do colorful text on signs…seems like some assets hold more info than others I guess. I dunno.

This reminds me, I found some lanterns on an EXO :blush: recently…


I mean no disrespect when I say this but I don’t think boundless is or will ever be what you want it to be. What you envision of it anyways. With such a small community if some of these problems such as the view or scenery is actually problematic to some at this point what happens when the game gains popularity? And it will grow I have no doubt about that. Personally I think that that they are holding back marketing due to the fact their servers probably couldn’t handle a large influx of new players but when they do this game could really explode in popularity.

I hope I’m wrong here because I want everyone to enjoy their experience in the game but I feel like you’re just going to hate the game more and more as well as finding more and more things you think are broken in the mechanics as the community expands.

As far as player made content it’s a great idea. Hate to bring Minecraft into conversation but it’s literally the standard for sand box games. One of the most popular games of all time as well. Yes the devs had a good deal to do with game but it’s the community itself that pushed the boundaries and made it what it is today. They got there with players pushing and exploring every mechanic, which I many cases ended being added to game by devs.

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If you possibly get a chance to do so, @lucadeltodecso, could you give us some insight here? Or another one of the devs perhaps? :slight_smile:

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The irony of you saying this in a thread of someone demanding Boundless be something different, and @Xaldafax was the one questioning if it should in fact not change at all, seems to have been lost on you, given the game, in this instance, is already how you think he wanted it to be.

I’m not demanding anything. It’s called a question and an idea. Big difference.

The hypocrisy of someone who is upset that Boundless isn’t an MC clone & won’t change it’s MMO genre to solo…


I think the regen on them should be slowed down by an extreme amount, but not 100% halted, that way they slowly start to decay and start to look like ruins over a period of months.


What seems to be lost on you is she is not trying to change the game, she wants to add to the game. It’s added content that doesn’t have any negative impact on absolutely anyone.

Another thing lost on you is just because I don’t reply to every thread doesn’t mean I don’t read them , and he’s clearly said multiple time on multiple post that’s thinks many things are broken within game. So I wasn’t referring to just this thread but either way Both statements I made had reference to things he directly said in this thread.

If you have actual arguments to what I said and not just go for the “ I got you “ game I glad to discuss but if not I got cops to tend to.

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A few things to consider:

Preventing or slowing regen on previously player built plots - does the time plotted affect what happens to the plot? will areas regen normally if manually unplotted? Will this affect only blocks placed or also blocks deleted? (will your room’s inside be filled with regen rock?) At what point does regen occur again? if a beacon ran out will that plot remain unregen-able untill someone else replots and manually deletes it? How long until players build offensive structures minutes before the beacon runs out so that they can’t easily be traced as the culprits? will editing the plot at all (incl building or breaking blocks) restart regen? will the game have to remember the shape and size of all ex beacons ad infinitum or will it be on a per-plot basis? if so, will abandoned builds have single plot holes that regenned? lots of things to consider.

My vote - keep it clean with regen as is. :+1:

Edit: current regen is done per chunk, and even as such had significant performance impact in previous iterations. I’m not sure if changing regen to per-plot would be technically viable. For reference, a chunk is a 4 plot square, extending from mantle to build limit.