Current sovereign planets with plotting permissions?

Do you have any sovereign planets that you allow plotting on, mainly for the use of campfire / reclaiming?

If yes, please post in this thread the Name, Tier, Closest Planet and or portal access.


T4 Lush
Boori (no portals)

Bonus points if you share some colours, but I’m happy to be surprised on my visit.


I allow campfires on mine.

Planet Quinzel
T4 Lush
Direct portal at TNT Sovereign Section (1x2 on the right of the area)

Has various portals setup to different farms.
Atlases at the hub if you just want to explore.

Colours are Reds, Blacks & whites (well as close to white as possible: cold berry, luminous blue)
Gleam is Teal but changing in a couple days.


All of mine allow campfires.

Tarlin - T6 - TNT Shedu Portal
Doq 'ej SuD - T6 - TNT Shedu Portal
Hyrule - T6 - TNT Alcyon Portal
Eriste - T4 - TNT Sov Wall
Abrigas - T6 - Shedu - No portal


silly question, is there a way to allow campfires, but not regular plotting?

Oh I love this place. Didn’t realize it was yours.

Great name, too.

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It means “Purple” in Klingon. Lol.


Yeah I thought it was arabic or something so I looked it up - translation I got said “To Be Violet”.

I like, triple checked that it wasn’t supposed to be “violent” because who would think that klingon would have such a concept :rofl:

I go there for the 'shrooms and it gives me a laugh every time.

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Don’t think so, but if you own the planet you can always remove any beacons you don’t approve of.

Starbug 1 Tier 1 world, portal at Giggleswick on Storis II accesed from: GTG and Ultima planetary portals lead you to Gigg, we also have a portal at TNT.

Current colours can be found here, they are going to be changed next weekend, though. I’ll organise to get the colours updated when that happens :slight_smile:


T1off maryx
Portal in my shop hub and in my workshop
Does have the ugliest gleam platform in existence as well :rofl:
Right now it’s a lot of mustards greens blues and lavender
Silk mustard gleam


:bat: (Bat) - T6 - Shedu Tier (portals from Pharoh’s Network>Bevenst and TNT High Tier Network)
– has a horizontal sap farm, gleam farm and is a Sapphire gem planet; color changes semi-frequently
Beladriel - T6 - Houchus I (portals from Pharoh’s Network and TNT High Tier Network)
– Emerald gems and other resources;color changes semi-frequently
Shorbea II - T6 - Houchus I (accessible from Beladriel)
– Sapphire gems and other resources; color changes semi-frequently
Forlorn Outpost - T6 - Norkyna (portals from Pharoh’s Network and TNT High Tier Network)
– Diamond gems, hard coal and is set to not have colors locked.
Rivai - T3 - Cephonex Merika (accessible from TNT Sov wall and GTG “Cula” portal in the members area, with portals on Sorissi and Foxxy’s hub) - Luminous Red Gleam most of the time.
– Farm portals are set up for Gravel, Sand, Gleam and other resources; color changes semi-frequently.

They are all plottable for campfires. Community is welcome to utilize them too. :heartpulse:

@Novaria has Rose Ruby connected to :bat: and Topazinga connected to Beladriel; both are plottable for campfires. (both are not set for colors; just resources)



Rose ruby and bat :bat: are literally heaven @Chicula


@Novaria Did a great job with Rose Ruby. <3 Ruby planets are hard to get good.

You love :bat:, but have you tried Shorbea II? I would have replaced :bat: completely, but making a new horizontal sap farm is a pain and I havent found a place for one on Shorbea II.

:heartpulse: ^c^



  • T6
  • Shedu Tier TNT portal
  • Ruby
  • Colors not set
  • campfires welcome


  • T6
  • Houchus TNT portal
  • Emerald/ Amethyst
  • Colors not set
  • campfires welcome

Hullo! I allow both on my planet’s Olympus and Altral :slight_smile:

You can access Olympus from TnT(sov wall) GtG, H.S.E, Alaska, ZoidBerg, and a few others, it’s either named CbXev/CB/Olympus :slight_smile: nothing else!

And to access Altral, there’s two little 1x’2 in my pink Hub on Olympus names Altral and GleamHub, both planets are open! :slight_smile:


Realm Eternal is my Sovereign. It is accessible from the TnT Sovereign wall. It is Fully available for campfire usage.


I will add perms for campfires on Fantasia. Didn’t even think about that as an option. :grimacing:


Actually - it’s already been allowed. (Clueless Pix is clueless Pix)


Minooint: T1 Spicy Bean Planet - Public - Portal TNT → Orijia → Minooint

Eridanu: T1 Inky Leaf Planet - Public -Portal TNT → Orijia → Minooint

Sellaxia: T6 Diamond Planet - Public - Portal TNT Houchus

Ries: T6 Sapphire Planet - Public - Portal TNT Houchus → Sellaxia → Ries

Vult: T6 Amethyst Planet - Public - Portal TNT Shedu Tier

Bressi: T6 Amethyst Planet - Public - Portal TNT Shedu Tier → Vult → Bressi


ill be going there for sure and post my journey at my explorers diary :smiley: