Dangerous Creatures - Concept (ranger v1)

Hi guys,
another update on Dangerous Creatures development.
This guy is a ranger type and tend to attack peoples from distance. Some of them are comical and some less so.
To the next update :smile:


#3 is a must! I want an Army of those Chickens. We shall be the Omelet Armada. >:)


These are really cool :slight_smile:

Though have you thought about using some kind of spitters that spit poison or acid. That would be a pretty cool variation of attack.

Also some creatures that throw spikes by fast tail swips woul be awesome.


oh geez that chicken :laughing:

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Hi Thor, Iā€™m glad you like them.
Yes, Iā€™m planning to complete another page tomorrow with some creature variation that are a bit more ā€œlethalā€ with fire/poison damage.


Not gonna lieā€¦ Some of those are simply too ā€œcomicalā€. Weird and alien is great, but ass-cannon chickens neither feel adequately alien nor particularly impressive. The carrot vomiting rabbits feel like ā€œMists of Panderaā€ rather than Oort Online. I like the rest well enough. How about more armed variants like the bow and blowgun? I also particularly like the spike shooters. What about a rock thrower type? Or a creature that throws smaller creatures?


These sketches are round 1 for Ranger. Round 2 sketches will address more alien, Oort like and less comical ideas.


I did not see that but i have to agree

These would be cool.

Immagne walking around and then get a savage lizzard throw in your head :slight_smile:
Or something that fires a spray of little crab like creatures that grabs your skin.


This is ridiculously awesome. but are we gonna get enimies that doesnt look like mutated animals? hope you guys can share some ā€˜ā€˜protectorā€™ā€™ art in the near future :smiley:

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Perhaps some sort of hive queen monster? Getting real scary, Oort!


Hi Havok,
In that first pass of concepts I was trying to incorporate different aspects and ideas, from comical like 3 and 5 and some a little more serious like 4 and 8.
Iā€™m planning to come with more variations with the intentions of stimulate story and ideas.
Donā€™t worry, more serious characters are on their way. I just love to share with you guys our progress and explorations process.

Thank you for the feedback. :smile:


haha awesome.

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i think number 4 is a genius idea, a creature that can shoot and regenerate skikes sounds aweseme. personally i would be up for creatures that are kinda serious but also that they make sense to a certain degree, so while i like the carrot puking rabbit it would definately be a pet peeves monster for me, since it seems so illogical xD

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1,2 and 4 are pretty solid ideas. Like Havok said earlier, the others are a bit comical. :smile:

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3, 8 and 9 :slight_smile:

My vote for 2(if the size of his ā€œbackā€ gets increased), 4 and 7.

Like these bad boys?^^


Personally Iā€™m a fan of 1 and 9. They look like they can obtain ammo naturally in a believable way, unlike the egg cannon or the carrot missile or the flute ninja.

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think the turtle of number 2 is pretty genius too xD

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Coming to the app store summer 2016!

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I would love to go with Nr# 2, 4 and 8 ā€¦ #2 fires like a catapult, the others direct, while the 8th one is one of those you can communicate with :wink: