Daredevil achievment

I finally got the daredevil achievment.
If anyone else doesn’t have it yet and wants the achievment
I built a tower to 250 height and a pit at mantle altitude with trampolines for floor next to the tower.
Edit: the tower is at -1178N, 407E
I have a portal to the tower at my store, “Hollow Soldiers”, at DK mall D18/20, or
Take Tigg’s Tunnels to Pheminorum, at that hub take the portal to Olympus Valley, then go north and slightly west about 15 plots, 120m, to the very tall tower. There is a sign at the ground level.

It’s a bit of a climb up the stairs to the top.
There is a little plank going out 1 block to over the pit. I stepped very slowly off the plank.
I landed on the trampolines and survived.

I know from practice that hitting a wall will be deadly.


That was a fun achievement to get. I’ve had it for a couple years now. It’s more fun getting the achievement for being killed by a meteor


That was FUN 🙆
I was pretty scared the whole time :sweat_smile:
It was also really nice to look over one of my old home planets.


You can make it even more fun by replacing the trampoline with a portal back to the top, and get an eternal fall.

Ultima Finata used to have one and it was great fun


Just call me Daredevil Xaldafax… that was fun lol.

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All fun in games till the bottom port doesn’t load quick enough

Well then you get the - Flat as a Pizza Achievement. It was added in the last update.

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That usually isn’t too bad when it’s same planet. Just make sure you look at it as quickly as possible lol.

Failing that it was a funny death

I think I got it on Xa Frant at that tower.
That was amazing