Dayoshanni Prime

Here is my first sovereign. Please let me know what you think, I’m not sure if it is exactly what I wanted, but it is quite interesting.

It has massive gleam areas, which is pretty neat and i love all the redwoods, but there are some odd checkered formations and a lack of snowy mountains which I kind of wanted.

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What biome produces this checkered pattern?

Love the big tall trees. What colour is the gleamz?

Especially love that 2nd pic. Reminds me of a frosty winter morning in a serene peaceful forest.

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The default color is light viridian for the gleam


Redwoods at the top of the world, trimmed down by high atmospheric winds


@aragorn i had the color wrong, it is actually light viridian for the gleam on my planet

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I love the explosion of gleam! It’s like the gleamballs just exploded.


Some new information for my planet. I have updated colors and location connection.

Visit enabled
Gather enabled
Plot disabled


Saved colors:

My planet Dayshanni Prime is linked on Alcyon via TNT hub near my other planet’s portal Azjor Prime.

The original colors that may have been unlocked on my planet are as seen here, but have been changed as seen in the previous post.