Dear crafting times

So I would have to agree with the times being adjusted not taken away to balance out things. I think the a more gradual curve from low tier block types to high tier block types needs to be looked at. A great example is bricks all the things you have to gather for bricks is crazy on top of multiple machines/tables you have to use to make something as basic as bricks. All time required should be in the equation when and if adjustments are made.

I think you also missed another aspect of the grind for new players. Leveling, they have to be able to have the right skills in the right things to be able to craft the things they need. So currently you have crafting, gathering, and leveling. I can see why a new player gets frustrated and just walks away. As kind as everyone is in the community a lot of players want to be self dependent while the initial help is almost all the time accepted most people want to do there own thing regardless if its an mmo or not. Looking and balancing all these aspects as whole instead of separately will provide a way better realization of what the new player faces and if adjusted appropriately would help tremendously with player retention.

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I would like faster craft times

Would also be great for mesh count because you wouldn’t have to use as many machines for spacing out crafting items that take 3 hours per mass

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Yes it was on test server. Believe it was like Compact Oort for portal fuel.

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Should set up a pay to win feature like most phone games have 1 dollar instant craft.

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giphy (1)


Some things are definitely clustered together in odd ways in this game.

It’s hard to feel like you could have an actual impactful discussion on a topic when it seems that really pointing a finger at obvious, bog-standard game mechanics can be so … triggering.

Having many things that would be considered benefits of leveling managed via (premium currency) blurs the waters even more.

There’s this though:

That. That’s adding value, right?

edit: Using the wrong brackets removed a word from my post.


I absolutely despise these mechanics I will support a game company up until they implement mechanics such as the one you mentioned. That would destroy this game and only give small initial influx of revenue and we would be back to the small community we have now because the pay to win folks would get bored quick and quit.

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I don’t think it would be helpful to completely remove crafting times or to allow RMT to speed things up.


Never seen that, but i don’t think we must need to build 50s machine to be able to craft the blocks so i build 2-3 hours the week-end.


hahaha - made me laugh. Good old times. I remember that discusion on how we build empty structures.

ideally we get some more furniture next year or in 2 years lol; and lets not forget the decorative props made from creature trophies!

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Oh man that whole post is a gold mine on the topic.


I always laugh when the topic comes up again.


Also if we need that many machines why do we have to deal with the mesh limit. Let us stack these things to the block limit.

cause they overload and crash servers when in large numbers

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Yeah I get that but with the statement made by James build more machines to be more efficient let us build up and down. I don’t understand how up and down is different then left to right in terms of the mesh limit. If I mesh cap a 2x2 and skip 2 plots left and do another 2x2 I have a whole new mesh cap to cap. Why does this not apply to up and down. This contributes to some of the plotting issues you have to spread out instead of build up or down.

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I’m not sure how much you want an actual technical discussion of this. Due to the design of the game engine it’s a big deal.

The mesh limit is not an arbitrary number. Different things could in theory be done but it’s not just like editing an INI and everyone can have double the machines.

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Some of us have 50+ machines of each.

yeah i mean i have been already there, but this just make no sense to me. I had something like 70 extractor to make the essence so i can make marble or w/e it was needed for.

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Not really, that’s how I got to where I was now. My point is I didn’t craft anything but basic stone tools and I still have never crafted a single tool beyond that. I spent my first few thousand coins on blocks to make a little mini mall that failed prospeously. However, the game was quite different in 2018 than it is now so that’s a huge factor

Lol :man_shrugging:

I forgot how much i liked James’ take on some of these mechanics, thanks for bringing them into the topic :grinning: