In regards to poles and how they interact with beams, how it adds 3D models to make the connections between them and so forth, I believe it’d make things weird to also be able to move them around a block, especially if you can also re-size them.
As for re-scaling in a uniform maner, why not, but not too much. Like, your “size-changing chisel” schematic already shows a +100% and +200% size increase, unless I’m mistaken. For a pole, that’d make it 2 to 3 blocks high. Pretty sure that would look wrong, in terms of texture stretching.
Though, an increase of like +30-50% in size, that could still look tasteful…
But when we get the furniture like plates and scrolls and stuff, that might be really neat.
In Creativerse, there’s an item called a placemat. When you interact with it, you get a container-like UI where you can drop 5 items, and it’ll put your items (smaller) on the placemat, with about 6 display variations (where some items are bigger or smaller), and the option to hide the placemat to only show the items, like so :
Eh, so it would require higher definition textures for all the things you could re-size?
Every player would have to download all the higher-def versions of everything. The world would have to load more models. The devs would have to make the textures…
That… seems even less doable.
Are 3d artists that lazy that they can’t spend some time to partially re-do them in different sizes? Well, you should know of course, being a 3d artist…
Hey lady, we had this discussion! Hands at 10 and 2, let’s go!
That said, I think a size changing chisel would be awesome but I also think since it’s a bigger object we could get a more advanced recipe as well. But sizing chisels would be fun to play with in general I think.
I may have a tendency to be harsh, but you, using the personal information about me being a 3D artist to call me lazy and throwing all sorts of personal remarks at me (which I don’t remember doing to you) in your massive wall of text and other messages full of quotes… you call me a troll? That’s the pot calling the kettle black.
If you think the devs can afford to do higher definition textures for EVERY object in the game that could be re-scaled by a size-changing-chisel (which is different than doing NEW textures for NEW objects)… well… I’ve already spent too much time explaining how that sounds not-doable. All I’ve been doing here was being realistic. But think whatever you want, man. By all means, make one quote per word of this message if that floats your boat.
I was just saying that I think it should just pull a different graphic from the database in the same way it does when we chisel-change other blocks now. Not actually stretch the item in anyway.
It would require a player to put the pieces together aesthetically & match them up - in the same way you wouldn’t want to attach an ornate gleam beam to a metal pole. There are several decor items that we can already hit with a chisel to turn or move them around.
I like some of the features & blocks in Creativerse too
I’m also looking forward to farming, furniture…whatever they add next
You were the one who mentioned it, and as far as I know that was actually the only personal remark I made in this thread, but hey, think what you want.
I tho, still think you’re seeing obstacles that might not be there especially as we mere mortals don’t know the ins and outs of either the code or the devs’ schedules…
Alright, correct me if I’m misunderstanding :
What you’re saying is that you have the pole, same as it is now.
You use your chisel on it, and it replaces it with a different pole, but bigger.
That bigger version of the pole is an entirely different 3D model.
That’s 24 poles/beams that would require alternate thicker models to be done aside from what the devs already have to do. And let’s not forget the additional models required for the connections between the poles & beams.
As for the textures, yeah, they’re 512pxl², but they were made for items of a specific size. Start making these items twice as big, they won’t look as good. I already mentioned the joints drawn on the textures. Those lines have a specific thickness, made to work at the same level of size as the joints you can see on, say, the decorative stones blocks #2.
You’re perfectly right, there. We don’t know.
But what we do know is that it takes a freaking long time for them to do things that require art assets. You know how long the poles & beams have been in development, right?
Now imagine how long it would take to basically re-do all the work because some players think those are too thin.
So realistically-speaking, I’m pretty sure thicker poles & beams aren’t happening for AT LEAST several years.
Just kinda skimmed this so not sure if it’s been suggested, but why not keep the decorative beams/poles as is, but have a second version as support beams/poles and have them 1.5x or 2x the size?
Also, VEX, eyes on the road missy! Forums can wait till you’re at a full and complete stop!
Don’t make me go all mother hen.
We know people want more options when it comes to poles. During the concept phase there was a lot of debate about how big they should be and whether we should offer more sizes or more designs(we went with more designs). There is no easy fix to generate a bunch of new assets, no simple way to procedurally scale the pole mesh to the exact thickness that you might want.
We have heard your comments and suggestions and there’s really no need for you to argue with each other about the technical details because, frankly, that’s my job, and I know far more than any of you about the logistics of doing this stuff, so you can just let me do my job while you enjoy what is currently in the game.
Absolutely do come up with new suggestions! Dream up new ideas. Don’t sweat the nitty gritty. That’s cool, and we may or may not implement them or our own ideas when we have time to do so, if they’re remotely possible, etc. A new set of poles is not currently a priority, but more of everything is always a possibility later down the road.
That’s the thing tho, you seem to assume that the time issue is with the artists, I myself think that such things take so long to implement because it needs to be coded first.
Something tells me tho that code-wise it might not be that big of a change and the redoing of 24 art assets in bigger versions shouldn’t take years for a graphic artist either.
But we both are assuming things here, we have no idea if it would take long or not for them to implement this and thus simply replying in a negative way which suggests that the OP should never even have made this post is both un-kind and a tad silly since we don’t have enough info to determine if it is doable or not in a short time…
Now let’s not discuss things we can’t know, let’s talk about how awesome it would be IF we had different sizes! And let the devs decide if they like this idea and if they are going to implement it one day be it in 6 weeks or 6 years…
Fair enough.
But from that topic, I’ll make a lil’ tangent : it’s likely that the argument wouldn’t have started if there was a good roadmap of the game that helps us understand how each teased project is progressing.
You have to admit that it’s weird to post concept arts with pretty much no explanations or context, and just leave them gather dust for years, and let us to our own theories as to why we haven’t had any news about them already.
Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE seeing these concept arts. They look great. But like, look at farming. Everybody I talk to is saying “yeah, we’re making space in our build for farming”, but we don’t yet have any info on how it will work. How much land will be required? Flat land? On surface or is underground possible? Will it need irrigations? How much? So many many questions.
I’ll admit, it would be pretty baller.
But like I said in my first message in this thread : we already have normal voxel blocks to do columns.
The furniture and hanging props will be the real game-changer, as far as I’m concerned, in terms of decoration. It doesn’t surprises me one bit that Jess would say doing more poles are not a priority.