LOL i see what you’re doing!
#255 = black
LOL i see what you’re doing!
#255 = black
Actually it is Luminous Yellow. Black is #1
That’s ok. I would take that gleam also.
I think there seems to be a bit of confusion here about “prefabs” (not even sure where that came from, as “prefabs” in the worldbuilder sense are things like trees).
Right now we have a set of world configs, this describes what most of you will recognise as the atmosphere and level of a planet (Fierce ect). Within these configs we have weighting towards different biomes (the higher level the world the more extreme the biomes tend to be), lighting, and the colour pallet. These still carry a massive degree of randomness within them. Each time you build a world with a new seed the variation is staggering. The odds of two rental worlds being even close to the same are teeny tiny atoms in the universe odds.
We are looking into how we can give players some control in picking their worlds, but i would rest assured there isnt going to be 1000 “Lushtopia Prime” clones floating around
I don’t have anything to say about rental world’s but just wanted to THANK YOU for this information. This is the type of transparency the community has been looking for.
@rossstephens how much freedom are we going to have with the color palette?
Thanks for the clarification. There isn’t really any confusion, I’m just didn’t use your internal jargon and others followed suit. Regardless of if the planets are randomized on creation, we are going to be given predetermined color schemes. I’m wondering if we are going to be able to change that later if the options are added, or if we are just going to have to scrap our planet and start over again if/when additional customization comes out?
I love the randomization, but I want to be able to pick the color of leaves, grass, wood and atmosphere on my planet. Even if the colors of blocks are great, if the atmosphere isn’t close to earth-like its a complete waste of money for me. If we are getting a ton of configs to chose from, I think most will probably find a setup they like. If we are only going to get a dozen at the beginning, I’m sure there will be many who skip it and wait for future updates.
Edit: And after reading your post again, if we aren’t even going to guarantee a color palette and instead each config just have a range like what happens with exos, then it’s probably a no go for a few of us.
I mean I can see why you can’t choose your color schemes. Then blocks wouldn’t have rarity anymore. Everyone would choose black gleam and pure colors and nothing would be special or fair to those not paying. If you want black gleam you just pay for a rental world with black gleam and make it totally private. Thereby allowing you to sell black gleam for tons of money since it would still be rare for those of us not allowed in the world. Just an example. But I could see why they wouldn’t let you just choose the color schemes
Well, but that’s why there were two options, right? whether the world is connected to the universe or not connected.
I understand that in order to maintain the rarity of certain colors, it is not allowed to have a planet with special rules connected to the universe, but if it is not connected, I cannot create a world however I want? I do not know, with mountains of black gleam and seas of bitumen for example…
If that’s the case I support it. But I definitely wouldn’t support someone being able to make black gleam on their planet and then make it so only they have access to it. That would be almost P2W for me as it’s a color you can’t get in the normal current universe. If however you could make a planet disconnected from the main universe and then could choose your color scheme how you wanted? Sure Definitely. But I don’t want people to be able to pay for colors that the non payers can’t get in the main universe
Seas on bitumen would be interesting, if it is there only once and then gone forever
I’ve refrained from providing my input on this topic. But I feel as though it hasn’t really been touched on, so here goes.
I’m sceptical about the ability to truly customise rental planets. I think the idea as a whole is a brilliant one, but it simply ruins other aspects of the game imo.
Hear me out. Part of the fun that is in the game, is waiting for exo planets. Hoping for new colours, and then knowing you have X amount of time before that colour is introduced again. You can see already that some colours haven’t been introduced yet and some have gone ~1 year without being reintroduced. And I worry that customising rental planets might take this excitement/fun from the game.
Let’s be honest, there’s only so much hunting on already existing planets or mining or exploring on these planets you can do before it gets a little monotonous. So here’s my 2 cents;
Make rental planets completely different to existing planets, not colour, but the landscape etc. Introduce new features within the landscape.
Maybe add a certain perk to rental planets, randomly rolled (like on a centraforge). For example, mining at night on that planet uses X% less stamina etc etc
have rental planets move through the galaxy, instead of being fixed in one area, for example; Trung to Trior is 23 blinksecs… which often makes it hard for some players to direct portal to some places due to costs/portal sizes. So it would be nice to be able to visit these areas directly… I think the main example might be AUS worlds. Maybe on a weekly cycle or 4weekly?
Just a few little bits of input
EDIT: We also all know how bad the servers can be at times, when there are a good amount of people on one planet or even just travelling and messing around in worlds that arent Local to your own… so the main question would be, what are the Devs doing to stabilise this and it hopefully not getting worse with the influx of more planets that is to come?
To me, this sounds perfect for my own tastes… I wouldn’t want to hand-pick/create everything because I’d probably make an eyesore, frankly. And too time consuming for me to create my own landscapes.
The amount of variation though also brings up another question - will there be a limit on how many rentals you can buy? Reason: if the price point is affordable enough and my financial situation has improved when it hits (looks like it might), I could actually see myself putting an upfront investment and rolling myself 2-6 worlds… then picking the one I like best to keep and cancelling the others. Could be a good revenue generator, might be whales willing to do that to a large extent to try to roll the best colors. BUT, could also upset people if it really were done to a large extent, big spenders rolling maybe 100 worlds then keeping 5-10 with rare colors.
Edit: If you wanted to try to discourage that, could always make the price higher for the first month, lower for subsequent months. That would also maybe encourage people to keep them longer. I could see people not liking the entry price being higher though, that is a potential big downside.
I honestly couldn’t care less about the “rare block” economy and artificial rarity. They aren’t refusing to put out certain colors, we just have a lack of planets. They have stated they aren’t purposely holding back colors multiple times.
Yeah, personally I don’t care at all myself - heck, if people decide to spend more, to me that is a positive, supporting the game! But I worry about if enough people did take issue with it, the impact of it.
For me, I do want to clarify that if I did that it would only be to get the nicest world for my own tastes - not to try to roll rare colors to sell. I’d keep one with all permanent colors over one with rare ones if I like the color scheme and landscapes more.
This post is a perfect example of what has already been discussed. My buddies and I already talked about this in discord and see it leading to greater p2w arguements than them just releasing the ability to replace colors in the config.
I don’t care about gleam or selling, I’m just looking to avoid having all good colors but one and it becoming dominate on my planet due to rng.
Besides the pricing strategy, I can think of one more way to prevent this if it were possible:
Lock in the palette for each tier/world type per account. So let’s say I want a T3 lush. I COULD make 3 with different landscapes - but they’d have the same colors, even if I cancelled all 3 and made 3 entirely new ones. BUT, I could also roll a T3 Metal one, it would have a different palette, but then all T3 metals for my account would have that palette.
That might tick off some people too - but maybe that is a fair way to do it? At least until the ability to freely pick is available, I mean?
I’m late to the party (damn timezones) but I’m with MajorVex on this one. I think some (not all) of the people clamoring for more customization have possibly not actually used world builder. For those who haven’t, sure there might be a Nevir-like prodigy amongst them but I’d argue the time it takes to get a perfect mastery of the program can be measured in days/weeks, not minutes/hours. I know that doesn’t dissuade some people but I for one know that the investment for me to get the perfect world in world builder is not worth it. It’d be hundreds of hours.
That being said, I think being able to preview worlds we make before signing the dotted line would be really lovely.
would be essential for most people I think.