Devs need new exo today plox tyvm. Also idea: Exo taxi service

My thanks too for this one, some really pretty blocks, especially the ice and gleam - and beautiful forests. :heart_eyes: Exploring exos is a big part of my weekends now, haha! :wink:

I thought you might have been exaggerating… so I went and checked out my modest collection of cacti when I got home and it turns out that you’re quite right, they seem to heavily favour the greens.

But I imagine all of the plants have a “favoured” range of colours with only a small possibility of deviating outside that range when the exo-planets are generated.

Could this be something that is added for the guilds?

Everyone can do a guild… even solo players…
There could be also added new guild buff

“Time traveler”
reduces warp cost when warping to exo planets

This way its not going to be “free taxi”

Downside to this obviously is that exos are “random” spawns so you might get just 1 exo in some week and 5 on other

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