Dhuskhaven Topaz Outpost Open for Business!

I’m happy to announce that Dhuskhaven Topaz Outlet is open for business! You can find me in THE FUTURE Mall in the Yellow Wing - first shop on the left. I’ve got 24,000 rough topaz for sale as well as tons of fragments, medium and hard coal, medium and hard fossils, iron bars and ancient technology.

Stop on by!


You do have a good quantity of rough topaz :+1:
I bought a load the other day at 65 then returned and they had gone up to 70, still bought them all but the next time they had gone up to 75 :sweat_smile: so I left it and went and popped a topaz mining sovereign instead…think I’m in the mining zone at the mo anyhow

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Ah understood. Yeah, I do that when I’m behind on mining and need to slow down the purchases hahaha. I was wondering who bought me out! I’ll drop the price back down to 65!

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heh, I have done the same with my coils…pesky customers :grin:

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