Diamond Mining

How much coal?

What altitude should i look for diamonds? (at Serpensarindi)
I stripmined for 3 hours and only found 15 with atlas heatmap… that’s pretty depressing.
What kind of technique should i use?

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That does sound like the best we achieved. There were 4 of us and we found 84 in about that time.

I did an hour trip i got 50

Well, the old system of diamond mining was 1). go buy bombs or gem hammer 2). walk through Portal Seekers to Andooweem 3). Mine for a couple hours, have enough diamonds to mass craft compact diamond, not to mention the loads of titanium, coal and other resources you came away with. Do I miss that? Sure, yeah. I won’t lie. Are these lower numbers probably better for the game considering shops will be making stronger tools for sale soon and people will level fully dedicated gatherers for tier 6 and 7 worlds? Probably.

My main concern is how many gems are dropping from hunts? Because mining should reward more gems than hunts do, I would think.


And why should shops be stronger? If I do not want to use shops so should I not be able to mass craft using these resources? You are the one that argued against big shops that use cheaply paid labor to get the resources they need. If a shop owner cannot gather their own materials are they not going to need to buy these materials?

I strongly disagree that resource shortages are better for the game or for small shops.

If hunting is a legitimate role, why should the drops for an individual be any more limited? I would argue that Oort should be able to be mined as well as gotton through hunting, but that is a different topic.

I didn’t say shops should be stronger, nor will they be. Not sure what you mean by that. I just mean that it’s only a matter of time before we have forged weapons for sale in the game.

And you can still mass craft whatever you want. You’ll just be slower at gathering it than before, same as everyone else.

You are right, I misread
