Different bending worlds

How do the devs prevent that now? As I´m aware worlds are not wrapped at the moment and are also finite.
The easiest solution would be something like a maximal build height/depth restriction (like one we have currently I think) just in horizontal.

@KuroKuma that would be amazing but I think anyone near to a wrapping point would go insane. :smile:

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Yeah. as far as im aware they have an artificial wall right? you just cant pass through, im pretty sure its just sort of like an invisble wall?

Can anybody go confirm how it works atm? i know one of the early backers walked to the end of the world at one point.

all im trying to argue against is not being able to go somewhere, which by the looks of it should be passable, so many games does this, and it is so frustrating…

Maybe we should just do like tribe phase in spore, if you go too far out a huge monster will come and eat you xD

I was in the wastelands once but I don’t know how it is atm^^

And absolutely yes, if it looks passable it should be passable. Thats why I only mentioned closed 3 dimensional shapes^^

you still said pyramid. man i kinda want to see how THAT would work xD

Wait… wait… if you can look over the things fluently cause they are wrapped… that means if you stood at the most outer peak of the world and looked inwards, it would have to render and repeat a tiny spot almost an infinite amount of times?


That would be very edgy… dum dum dum

I’m not sure I can follow you on that.

i might be wrong if you count sharp edges, but if you had a tip on a round thing then that would have to be the case…

gimme a second, this is prob far out but i will try to figure out how to explain it…


imagine you can see 50 meters ahead of you, if you are standing in the world and there is 10000 meters around then that is not problem, but if you stood on the edge and you look around in a circle, and there is only 1 meter, then you would have to render that spot 50 times and see the excact same thing 50 times, no ? kinda like portal

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I mean if you stood on the edge wouldn’t you just see sky and the edge in two directions for the same 50 blocks? Same on the corners but it would require som extensive programming^^

yeah… that would prob be it.

sorry, its like 30 degrees right now so the heat is messing with my mind xD

yea it was 30-35 here too but fortunately it’s dark now^^

There are so many amazing possibilities with differently shaped/wrapped worlds that I´m starting to think that world-wrapping should become an independent founding goal like beacons and Creatures I to make this feature really amazing.

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Yeah immagine having driving lessons in this weather :sweat:

I’m sure @lucadeltodecso can chime in about our plans for wrapping worlds :thumbsup:

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My personal opinion is that the ‘way’ worlds wrap has very little effect on the final gameplay, it just matters that they ‘do’ wrap because I passionately hate artificial world boundaries (including cliffs to a void). The goal of the wrapping worlds is to completely remove that problem by getting rid of all edges in the simplest (non crap) way so that you never realise there is a border unless you literally walk in a straight line and eventually get back to somewhere you’ve already been because the game will play the same at every part of it. I don’t see the exact shape of the world as making a real difference, because the worlds are never going to be so tiny that you would be able to infer what the exact shape is anyways without spending weeks and weeks walking in straight lines around the place to infer the topology. The simplest to understand and implement (and cheapest) - asteroid style wrapping - is also the fairest in that wherever you build your home, you always have the same area of explorable land around you in all directions, rather than a world that say, didn’t wrap in one axis and the closer you got to the edge the worse it would be for you as you’d eventually be ‘stuck’ on one side.

Currently the game will simply prevent you from going beyond ~8km from the origin in a direction at which point you simply hit an invisible solid wall that nothing can pass to prevent people going out of bounds (at which point the live worlds will long since have become default generated flat-land with no features).

One thing we’ve talked about doing but I don’t think we’ve ever made concrete (and that I think is much more fun for gameplay) is having the day-night cycle be more dynamic so that it can be different times of day at different parts of the world (make it feel more like a planet), so that you could have a portal from one part of the world to another and see a totally different day/night time on the other side because of location)


I see what you mean.

I would have liked to have torus worlds but since the worlds are so big and the render distance isn’t big enough you wouldn’t see to the other side anyway.
I’m out of arguments for different shapes^^

(Maybe we can all talk about it again when the devs have nothing to do anymore except for counting the money they make with this great game xD)

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The other side would not have to be really rendered. Just altering the sky texture to look like we would see the other side of a donut shaped planet would already be amazing enough.
But you are right, the main argument for donut shaped worlds is to see the other side of the world in the sky and that’s not a strong one.


But cm´on, doesn’t this look totally awesome? :smile: