Discussion on usefulness of upcoming quirks

Various changes to Quirks

  • Carpe Noctem Quirk now provides +100 Damage and 10% Damage increase during the Night, and reduces damage by 100 and 10% damage decrease during the Day. It no longer reduces the forge effects during daytime.
  • Carpe Diem Quirk now provides +100 Damage and 10% Damage increase during the Daytime, and reduces damage by 100 and 10% damage decrease during the Night. It no longer reduces the forge effects during nighttime.

These are both two sides of the same coin. It might push a T5 hammer into T6 1-shot territory, but only for half the day. The -10% shouldn’t be enough to make it 3-shot a T6, so this seems like a generally useful miner quirk unless you’re going for perfect forges.

  • Best of Health Quirk now provides +10 Action Speed at high Health, and reduces Action Speed by 10 at low Health. It no longer reduces the forge effects at low Health.
  • In Poor Health Quirk now provides +10 Action Speed at low Health, and reduces Action Speed by 10 at high Health. It no longer reduces the forge effects at high Health.

1st is great for a healer or a tank! I’m always at full health because I always have a heal bomb equipped, so that’s like +10 perma action speed. I’d want it crafted on one of my grapples because that’s in my offhand. I wonder if having it twice stacks.

  • Fully-Filled Quirk now reduces energy use by +10 when the players Hunger is low (as in full up), and increases Energy use by 10 when Hunger is high. It no longer reduces the forge effects at high Hunger.
  • Ravenous Quirk now reduces energy use by +10 when the players Hunger is high (as in needs to eat), and increases Energy use by 10 when Hunger is low. It no longer reduces the forge effects at low Hunger.

I see fully-filled getting a lot of use. You just have to manage your energy loss. It’s a flat number so a low-energy use hammer could become zero-energy-use with this quirk. Or even regen energy? If it goes below zero that could be OP…

  • On Icy Ground Quirk now gives +40 Falling Armour.

Eh…still a net negative.

  • That Sinking Feeling Quirk now lets you hold your breath for an additional 50%.

This is great, it was already situationally useful, now it will be moreso. You harvest things on the bottom of lakes with it…

  • Slow-Mo Quirk now reduces your walk/run speed by 25%, but increases your sprint bonus by 50%.

Very useful to an explorer. As an explorere I’m going to get this put on a grapple and just sprint across entire worlds with a well-fed food.

  • One Jump Ahead Quirk now also grants the user Double Jump, even without the skill.

That’s the one that makes you jump randomly right? Still pretty lethal…and doublejump does not prevent fall damage so…

  • Wonky Trigger Quirk now also gives 400 Durability to the item.

I forget what Wonky Trigger does?

  • Nutritionally Challenged Quirk now also increases Max Energy by 30%.

Well-fed food takes care of the drawback, but you might be wanting a presisting Pie instead.

  • Bleeding Edge Quirk now also increases Max Health by 30%.

Interesting for tanks. Potentially makes buffer tanks viable. Depends on how much damage the health DOT does. If it takes like 50 hp/sec it’s highly useable with a regen potion, if it takes 5% it’s not. Can anyone fill me on on how much damage bleeding edge does now? This will push a tank’s hitpoints from 12k to almost 16k, or 30k+ with hitpoint food.

“Wonky Trigger Quirk”
Watch where you’re pointing that thing! Forged Gear with this Quirk fires or hits at random when equipped.


I bought a tool off moonies, just to see what it did, it said random noises. But it made no noises.

Where or what is the negative part?

I dont know much about quirks as i never had to encounter them before, Do they have levels? if so then won’t that 10% and 100 damage scale up to the point it might 3 shot a T6?

I feel like all of my items have this from time to time as sometimes but rarely I encounter a bug where the game acts like my left mouse button is being held down when it isn’t. If it happens it is normally shortly after logging in. when I am in my base… The worst place for it to happen.

Toss on wonky trigger on high end tools and give it to friends that stay inside their base crafting / building mostly and watch the hair pulling.

I don’t think I would do that to a friend. But maybe I make some, and drop by the neighbors, and drop the item behind them when are not looking, and then obverse what may or may not happen from a distance when they notice they picked up a new item.

I don’t know I can see using On Icy Ground on a tank where you don’t plan on moving much while it’s equipped. Buffs Wildstock Armour I’m guessing as it’s really Impact Armour.