DKPoll: do you want color rarity on survival sovereigns?

You can vote multiple times? :thinking:

If you have smurfs

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Why do you always have a comment like this when people go against your ideas?

What’s he point of a poll if you are going to call things when the results go against what you wanted?

Back to the poll thing.

Im on the same side as princess, color rarity doesn’t need to go away completely but it needs to be chilled down, rarity is good for any game but not at this level.

If color rarity is going away then we need rarity on something else.


That’s pretty negative of you.

I have a comment like this because someone messaged me to tell me they voted with multiple forum accounts.


Deep breath everyone its just a forum…let’s not get crazy…lol


It would certainly explain how so many polls on here slowly start building to one answer, and then wildly swing in another direction.

“Hmm… this poll isn’t going the way I want, quick, I need to log through my alt accounts to make it more to my liking”.

It’s a shame, because it does reduce even the limited faith we could place in poll answers that they in any way represent overall player wants.


Well anyway poll and discussion both derailed now lol

But anyway I guess we get the idea, it’s close to an even split between people who want and don’t want rarity. I think it was 42% 42% 16% before the multiple voting. So 42% want rarity. It’s a good number.

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Agreed, 42%, if it is an accurate representation, should be enough to indicate that there should be some form or rarity here.

It’s just a shame it’s currently tied so tightly to a part of the game that is supposed to foster creativity and it’s own form of rarity from hard work and personal design.

Highlights (to me) that this game need armour, or special ‘forge-like’ effects on tools (or maybe scrolls or augments) that come from drops, and trophies. That seems like it would better bridge different players’ needs.


You should have also added a 3rd poll…

  • If color rarity remains, would you: Play more / Play less / Quit playing / No change.

That way you also represent the other side of the equation.

I think 42% in either direction with the potential of losing players is a bad thing.


Poll is closed and I didn’t vote. Poll invalid :sweat_smile:


I don’t even see a poll! I demand a recount!