I think a large part of the issue is that a basic/common building color (black) ended up on the far side of the color spectrum, with the CIE color format that they chose to go with. I believe luminous yellow is the other one. To me, it seems logical that something like luminous turquoise or shadow blue would be a bit rare - not basic black, white, red, etc. Maybe it’s just an achromatic thing. Dunno.
Maybe they could allow survival builders the ability to make black glass/panes/signs out of a recipe that includes dark glass? Maybe make it a new level 4 refinery craft that also needs burn shards, charcoal, and some other things? Black gleam could remain “rare” and builders would have the glass they need.
Agreed. You should be able to obtain the basic colors, then mix them to achieve the more rare colors.
ie: Everyone should be able to easily access black, white, red, blue, yellow (or design-wise…magenta, yellow, slate/cyan) and mix them with other colors they find to get secondary colors like light red, shadow green, etc.
This is one of those things that is really ingrained in the game though. Not sure it could be changed at this point without people having to re-build or greatly adjust things.
I will not vote in the poll. To me the solution to the color rarity situation is more diversity in the exoworlds’ colors.
James made it clear that according to him he wanted things to be pretty (according to what criterias we don’t really know, beauty being a totally subjective principle) and according to him the exoworlds spawning and color chosing thing is working exactly as he wants it to.
I agree with @Gorillastomp .
Atm only way to get some colors is basically via goo farm… thats honestly too much work for some players… including myself.
Goo farming is a nice on paper, but many builds demands more than few stacks of certain color and if you are casual player as many are
. Me included… you dont have a chance to get even a 100 of some paint.
Or make new cans, harder to make cans, that have the durability increase. So for small builds you use the basic cans. But for large builds you can use the upgraded cans
But honestly this game has become more of a grind than joy.
Im a builder and i would like to building game (cause cmon thats what this really is atm)
To be more open… what i mean by that is that we could get some easier way to obtain colors… not on same volume maybe as goo farming but something like it… alternative way.
I get that people who have put time to goo farming would be pissed and i get it, but the fact is that obtaining goo is just so hard… cause you gotta be like 24/7 watching some exo pop ups… then you gotta spend like 3hours in a exo where you maybe get enough some color…
That is just TOO grindy
… at least for me anyways.
Maybe changing goo farm values or something would help that prices would get lower
Just take the existing spray paint machine and modify it. Let goo be used to dye blocks in the machine any color without worrying about trying to change the goo color using rocks it grows on Let the machine dye 100 or more blocks per goo. And finally make goo a sustainable crop even if it has a low harvest rate.
Agreed it is boring and repetitive. How many planets have black rocks? Or the same shade of grey and blue? The color pallet could be so much more interesting if each planet at least had different colors.