DKPoll: notifications when people open portals; More shard slots; portals needing fuel notifs; larger same planet portals. Now with (new) pie charts!

Currently the notifications just show when people buy portal tokens which is less helpful since people often buy tokens then don’t use them.

Notifications of portals opened on the “other end” might be helpful so ppl can get faster sign changes, for hub owners.

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Also, separately, it would be nice to get notifications with 24 hours or less fuel remaining

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I think portals should allow you to put two stacks of oort (fuel) in them

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  • No

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You should also be able to use a smaller portal for long distances and just pay the same oort cost (1x2 portal to serp possible but would cost 9 shards per hour)

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Finally, I still think oort cost should be based solely on distance, not on portal size. A giant portal on the same planet should only cost 1 oort per hour.

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I voted no for the last one because I think I saw devs say larger portals cause more strain on the servers. Otherwise I would be all for it.


I know it’s a little off topic but I wonder if that’s also why we don’t have portal wands? Like pointing a totem in front of you and summoning a portal. But I didn’t know that bigger portals caused strain on the servers

Yes they did and that’s the same reason I voted no as well.

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We probably don’t have portal wands because we have warp conduits already, though portal wands would also be cool as well

It has to load more of the world it leads to with the bigger portal. So more strain and more data

Honestly I wish the size didn’t matter for where we were going and just went off blinksec. So I could have a 2x1 from Gyosha to Sorissi but still cost the same as the size currently needed

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Are you sure?

They definitely said connections to different planets has a higher cost.

I’m 99% sure though that this doesn’t apply to portals on the same planet based on number of conduits.

More conduits definitely causes (insignificantly more) strain on the client. But it shouldn’t affect the server.

This part at least is def wrong (sry). It loads the same amount of the world. You can tell by looking through the portals at different angles.



I agree about the sizes I wish that as well, and portal wands would really be useful if you were running from enemies and needed to run and run straight into a portal all in a matter of seconds.

Still displaying more at one time. And yes I’m sure that it uses more. 90% sure it was @james that said it. But it might have been @lucadeltodecso. I guess I’ll search for it. Was posted the last time this topic came up

They didn’t do that because they want it to be like WoW etc.

But imo boundless is not supposed to be a “hardcore” mmo and this should be allowed

Well guess I was semi wrong. The small ones actually are worse.

I know there was more said by the devs but there’s so many topic about portals I’m tired of looking :sweat_smile:


I understand why it’s like that but it’s hard to explain, it all makes sense now

It’s probably why they also changed how the small portals load. Gotta be closer to them after a certain update as to not needlessly load them.


I’ve heard more people saying that but I’m still not quite understanding it from a technical standpoint. I mean they need to read the data from the planet on the other side to show you what’s there. We can move about in front of portal and see a large area, when a portal is bigger it shouldn’t need to download more data…

Of course I might be wrong, just never got the reasoning…

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Read my 2nd to last comment. The small ones actually cost more. Straight from a dev quote

Ehmm, where does it say smaller portals are worse?

In what you quoted it says “it is much better for our servers if there is a single portal making a big jump than lots of smaller ones”, where ones = jumps

Right here


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Maybe that just means ALOT of small ones close together rather than just one small one? I dunno.

His last comment about making it better fuel wise for bigger portals would suggest otherwise

That’s distance

But from what Luca has told me, portals between same-region same server are cheapest for WS, portals between same region diff server (say Raxxa to Tana) are a tiny bit more expensive and portals between regions are the most expensive.

I really don’t think number of conduits matters in any way except client side

I presume Aenea is saying the same thing right now

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