Do any of you actually build into caves?

I build underground and in caves. half of New RavenShore is underground and more is being built into cliffs

yes, but it was just used as example. Never was there to see it from close :slight_smile:

I have a little starter cabin on a hill top just near our future guild hq. It may or may not be a whole lot bigger once inside and down a flight of stairs.

I prefer to build the caves myself, but having a base to work with is always nice.

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I also like to build, inside a Mountain. but there are some parts poking out already(wip, ofcourse :P).

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Im actually at the beginning of a Dwarfen Project at Trung. The Outside gets the look of Erebor from The Hobbit.

I build primarily underground and sometimes I find a cave that I incorporate into the build. I like to blend my builds with the natural setting as much as possible.

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i think im one of the many ppl who build into caves, and i think i have one of the largest base in caves (i may be mistaken though ^^) if u wanna check it come to Eresho capital behind angel statue is entrance :slight_smile:

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First thing i did when i started playing this game is go, all of these models look like trolls… then immediately afterward i wanted to make a underground troll city but the problem was finding the right underground cave system that hand natural walkways up to the surface…

then i learned about how you cant have more then one plot overlapping vertically and that just ruined everything for me…

I haven’t looked for a while but i think my next project will be on a lava world.

@Huntsman has a little cave on Arie :wink:
Its amazing!

Send pics! I’ve been gearing up for a Moria build.

Go to arie RTG And I have a portal with my name on, my play time is limited severely atm so may be quicker than waiting for pics

The Reapers Trials are built in caves on Gyosha.

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You mean plots from different accounts cannot overlap correct? A single account can have plots over each other even with space between them as long as they are on the same beacon.


but these…

never knew these were a thing…need to get out more :sweat_smile:

maybe not in size but certainly in ambition, part of my workshop extension that I’m currently working on, under a lake.


Aye i meant beacon

oh man all my years of minecraft make me really wonder how the server executable is setup, that would definitely cause a bunch of tps lag on a MC server.