Do Sovereigns add RNG p2w to boundless?

I’m ok with color scarcity eventually not being a thing.
Instead, Wonderstruck should work on clothing and armors, like everything other MMO, and make these the thing you look for.


Eventually is the keyword. That’s what they were doing. Now it’s going TOO quick. If this game lasts for 10 years, why do we need every color In the first 2 years? We don’t. It should be a long time of the life cycle of this game continuously releasing new colors and getting excited to finally have found that color you’ve been waiting for. Now all the colors will be here within a year and the lifecycle of the games gonna look really boring until they add something new to start looking forward too. If they added armor I’d look forward to it. I’d they added achievable trophies for getting certain statistics I’d look forward to it. If they added trophies that can only be found hunting rare specific monsters and can only be found for a limited time id look forward to it. But they DONT have these things yet and haven’t alluded to the possibility of adding them in a long time. So color rarity is all some of us had to look forward too. They should have added something to replace it BEFORE getting rid of it so quickly.

I started a t6 with emeralds and they were only 0.01% and amethyst was 0.04 so not great. but the public worlds are still there so It doesnt really matter to me

Not crying at all, not complaining. As I pointed out its simply to discuss the implications. Personally I don’t mind that there is the potential and imo it would be months before there was a change to the game for others without a sovereign. Those people will also be much more likely to get more gems per trip to planets such as galan due to reduced usage caused by those with sovs.

P.s. not sure the comments was even directed at me as colour is meh to me

*although my goo farm plan is now kinda pointless

Also, not really a thread about colour scarcity :grin: don’t want flags to start flying if possible

ehh it’s not pointless, there will be a lot of colors still not available, and it’s easier to spray a few blocks that mine and craft

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That’s one way to look at it.

The other way is that Boundless has given people an opportunity to vote with their wallets. They have introduced an opportunity for people to blow real money on an RNG process to “maybe” unlocking new colours. You could look at the number of planets purchased and the subsequent speed of colour unlocks as a testament to the number of people who think more available colours is a good thing.

Not really. If the colour they want isn’t one that’s already spawned (and so by implication is a remaining rare colour), they still have to roll the old RNG dice until someone does manage to spawn it before the can actually access it. This process will slow down dramatically. Everyone is buying them now because they are new. Unless a major change happens, purchases will be slowing from this point onwards, so less new colours. Beyond that, every time someone unlocks a new colour, the chances of finding one of the remaining new colours drop further.

There will still be rare colours for a good while yet.

Yeah, it’s a shame they didn’t have anything ready to replace it with right now, but I think that on the whole, people would prefer to have Sovereigns now and wait for a new ultra rare item later than wait for a system or rarity to be worked up before getting them.


The only P2W I can see here is for people that consider the ability to build instantly and endlessly as a “win”.

For them the addition of creative worlds is an instant win.

You might have to do some economic work instead of block farming if nobody is currently allowing farming on a planet with a color you want. Other than that there’s nothing you can achieve on a sovereign world that you can’t achieve in the public universe.

Sure this is a “huge gray area” but in the end, that’s how I see it.

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I had the same thoughts but at the end of the day I think the economy will adjust appropriately. After all players still have to spend time collecting resources and crafting.


I think the new “rare” items will be everything that has to do with the new creatures that will be released and definitely the Titans because those will require a coordinated effort to defeat.

In the mean time we still have lucent gems, petroleum, resin, and goo that are somewhat rare.

Yes Sovereign Worlds are P2W, because they have created a “ideal situation” that is tied to paying money.

You can buy a planet (or keep buying till you get one) that has the perfect terrain for regen farms that will yield you something you can sell super easy. Or have your own planet for mining gems that has great density and that doesn’t get tapped by other players so you can get more gems faster and more often that others.

Also, I don’t know if the devs have an automated way to detect botters, but aren’t bots just gonna afk farm on a private Sovereign world and have a 0% chance to get reported?


So Doesn’t that make boundless a pay to win game in general? buying cubits from the very beginning is pay to win. Being a backer is pay to win, buying the deluxe ps4 makes it pay to win. Each one comes with benefits. I can’t do testing on ps4 so creative is pay to win because they have to do nothing to get what they want


This kind of thing is why I always push to think of P2W as a spectrum; you can be a little P2W, you can be very P2W. There is also a related thought of how ethical the P2W is.

I view Boundless, pre sovereign update, as a medium, but very ethical, P2W game. It’s too early to decide how the sovereign update affects this.

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I don’t feel like “pay to win” is the right phrase to apply to this game, because there really is no win condition other than the goals that set out for yourself to achieve. There is definitely an element of pay for extra convenience but you can attain just as much satisfaction from playing this game without having to spending another dollar beyond the initial purchase price as someone who spends 100’s of dollars a month.

Once people establish their worlds and set up infrastructure and make themselves known there will be multitudes of ideal publicly available farms/mines for everything that can be farmed or mined. I’m sure for a time they will be so abundant that the population will barely be able to even dent the entire resource count across the universe. Some players may get a short lived advantage but I doubt that. I think you’ll find that some players will be disadvantaged simply because they will now know of the farms and how to get to them and the odd player will stubbornly refuse to use public farms on peoples planets.

The planets are an amazing addition and the ability to potentially create better resource friendly planets is a good thing. Resources across the universe will become more abundant and also a lot cheaper to buy. The game is going to take a long time to settle into the shake up it is currently undergoing, but I think that’s fun, it’s dynamic!


Thank you for saying this!! It may seem pay to win to some but it’ll drive values down which will help everyone in the end. Plus people have access to higher resources that they haven’t before. Nothing is plotted on open planets so first come first plot doesn’t win now


With the new planets it also feels like we are just keeping the resources fresh. Back in 2018 you used to be able and pull gems on gems on Shedu it was amazing. Same with when malu and all those new T6s spawned they were fresh and brought life to the game. So if anything everyone is paying to make the game fresh again and not feel like a worn out boot you have had for 10 years and trying to find the warranty for.


Is having more coins, prestige, or a more popular hub not a form of winning?

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If you feel as though you’ve clocked the game because you have the most coins or prestige or the biggest build then yes, absolutely. But what have you won? Other than the satisfaction af achieving those things?

But you cannot buy any of these 3 things with real money. You achieve these things by playing smarter, by being a good builder or by being a great personality that attracts people.


I have a question… What did you win??? no point system? no leader board… is it simply a comparison of your neighbor?? this gets really old.


That’s winning in your eyes, but not everyone’s. Winning to me is playing the game with people that are fun to play with. I paid for 2 emerald planets 1 is open I got 600 before I opened it I’ll gladly give them to you. Why? Because it’s a game and it’s boundless!! What are you winning? Make believe coins? A bigger area than your neighbors? Move to a barely used world and your winning I guess but lonely lol